More than 10,000 cattles died cause of heat stroke in Kansas, US.
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More than 10,000 cattles died cause of heat stroke in Kansas, US.
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Ugh, that is heartbreaking. Edit: I rarely eat meat, but even those who do can have some compassion about the scenario.
Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to GOPs about climate change.
But I’m sure they’ll find a way to blame coastal elites…
How do the cows survive in arizona in 110degree weather then? Just curious?
Strap in folks, we’re going to be seeing a lot of awful shit like this going forward.
This isn’t about climate change. Yes, the climate is changing. This is about poor animal husbandry practices. Those animals would be alive if they had access to water. This is insurance fraud to the tune of $1500 per dead cow.
Nah, there’s something fishy here. Someone is milking the insurance I reckon.
Sure thye did…
Dollar Store: “Y’all goin do anyting wit dat jerky sitting o’dare?”
I had a stroke reading that title
Who could’ve possibly known that mammals need shelter from exposure??
Wonder how to blame California for this
I dont mean this in a joking or insensative way… but would these cows still possibly be suitable for eating?
I’m just thinking maybe some good could come from this if they got a bunch of beef to give out or lower the prices a bit atleast.
How positive are about the heat stroke and not something else that the farmer would not want investigated?
the main cause of death is the owners needed the insurance fraud payout.
Not a single tree for miles and miles. Not even a hedge. Nice.
That’s so many cattles.
Having lived in Kansas, they may have just given up. I felt that way many times before I left. It still is atrocious that the lack of care or observation that led to this though.
Realistically in an economic war with Russia, couldn’t this have just been a sabotage of national food supply?
Let’s get full tin hat with this.
Looks like the prequel to an apocalyptic movie.
When will people get over the myth that cows and horses can only sleep standing up
Press X to doubt. It seems 2000 cattle died and possibly up to 10 000.
chale si que esta dura la sequia
I guess less methane contributes to climate change.
They all died in the same place or were they moved there?
All drop dead at the same time huh?
Anyone that is curious as to why this is such a huge deal, check out this article: [https://climate.nasa.gov/ask-nasa-climate/3151/too-hot-to-handle-how-climate-change-may-make-some-places-too-hot-to-live/](https://climate.nasa.gov/ask-nasa-climate/3151/too-hot-to-handle-how-climate-change-may-make-some-places-too-hot-to-live/)
We are concerned about this from a loss of human life perspective, but it impacts other organisms. The cattle died due to a combination of heat and humidity. Now that this event has taken place, assume that it is a game changer for insurance and for how they manage livestock. Costs will surely go up and the breeds of cattle may be shifted, if a more climate tolerant breed exists.
Also check this out:
No ‘s’ needed.
Fuck this shit. I’m getting so angry being on this planet, being a part of this stupid species. Earlier I read young swifts in Spain are falling out of the sky, cooked by the unbearable heat. People falling over themselves to crack the same stupid jokes in the comment section.
In the background it’s just pure dirt fields with no shade. Cows deserve better. They deserve some trees for shade. I’ve seen so many herds that have a routine of chasing shade all day going from one side of the field to the other to secure the best shade. Makes me sick to imagine cows without that option. Imagine being out there in a black fur suit with no water and no shade.
Gubmit: Y’all need to eat less beef
Cows: *conveniently die*
What a waste. Oh well, Americans waste that much beef everyday
Heat stroke rightttt
Yeah… I’m from Kansas, and it ain’t that hot here. This was neglect.
This is strange because here in India it gets way hotter and in the Rajasthan area it is really dessert like very less water and trees. Our cattle do not all just die at once from the extreme heat. It is also strange how the neighbours of this farmer did not lose their cattle. I think this is a more water contamination problem causing a massive all at once death.
Plural of Cow is Cattle… not Cattles.
Cause… Instead, use Because… different word, different meaning.
We can thank the school system for this nonsense.
Its a new way to order your steak medium rare right from the farm
“Heat stroke”
Shame on the owners. This is just unbelievable
… does this mean the price of beef is about to tank?
There’s 98 million cattle in the US I think 10k is but a small hiccup. Poor cows but bet the steaks are still good. Dry aged instantaneously
Yeah it’s been this hot in Kansas before, it hasn’t even reached 100 yet, something is fishy here.
It’s a cow not a cattle. Cattle is the plural.