I remember when a bunch of game demos used to come on a disc with Playstation magazine regularly.
Seems like more devs were willing to put out demos back in the day. I’m picking up Lies of P, a game that was nowhere on my radar, because of the demo.
Game data transferring to the main game in FFXVI is also a nice feature.
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Demo was so good. Has been living rent-free in my head since Monday.
Most of square enix games tend to have these long style demos that transfer into the game when you buy it
Square, Nintendo, and Koei have gotten good about demos for the last year or two. Square is especially admirable, because they keep doing demos even after doing so showcased how bad games like Babylon’s Fall and Forspoken were, directly contributing to them flopping.
Wait, there is a demo for 16?
I’ve been replaying the hell out of the last boss. I can’t get the parry timing down. But I loved it, I was kinda on the fence about it and was going to wait for reviews but the demo sold me on it.
Played demo yesterday, amazing, instabuy
Companies stopped with demos because it was losing them money, turns out you have to make a good product, else if its just middling or bad you just have people try a free trial as opposed to buying into the hype
The Dragon Quest XI demo is maybe the best I’ve seen, it’s the first 8 to 10 hours of the game and progress transfers over. Extremely generous and you’ll know by the end of the game is for you or not.
Also if you enjoy souls like games, Lies of P just put out a large demo as well, holds up really well
Amazing game, totally would buy on release.
>All games must have demos.
You know what was a great demo back in the day? AvP2
Was on the fence, but after the demo..WOW. Pre-order complete
Is it a prologue? I usually don’t like demos or trailers because of spoilers.
It’s crazy they don’t. A good demo (NOT beta) would pour in the pre-orders. That is assuming it wasn’t buggy as hell.
Definitely a good idea putting it out cause I was dead set on not buying it based on the previews but now I actually might.
Every game needs a demo
Loved the demo. I think I am definitely getting the game at some point.
the ff xvi demo was amazing
Is it real time battle? I haven’t seen anything about it yet.
I will have to check this out. After FFXII I lost a lot of interest in the RPG series. Bought XV and the most fun was catching all the fish with my wife. I cannot seem to stay engaged for long periods of time anymore :/
It was my first Final Fantasy game that I’ve tried. I loved it, and will be buying for sure. I must say the performance mode was disappointing. Also, the quality mode was unusable with the motion blur. I hope it’s better at launch.
I got the demo for Half-Life amongst a random bunch of others back in the day. Such an epic random find for 11 year old me. Played it over and over until my birthday when I convinced my parents to buy me the whole game.
So for a person who HAS NEVER EVER played ANY FF GAME. is it wise to buy ff16. I mean will i experience less then a person who had played prior games.if yes how much my experience will be effected
Performance needs to be addressed but yeah I enjoyed it
Lies of P demo was really nice, I played it for like 7 hours
FF15 did this too, it was sone bizarre small toy world thing that was fun lol. Love these ideas though, need more demos!
Note to self. Download ff16 demo
Aaaah the good ol’ days…
Keep forgetting this is a PlayStation exclusive. I literally ran to my Xbox before I remembered thinking I had missed a demo…
This game is wild. What a storyline
The demo was incredible! I went from skeptical to must buy.
My main takeaway is someone on the team is constantly yelling GET TORGAL BACK ON SCREEN NOW! They know what works XD
Holy shit yes! That story took a turn I wasn’t prepared for.
They are clearly proud of what they made. They know it gonna be good. They know, if you like this, you will probs like the rest of the game. But the biggest takeaway here is the fact that they are proud of it and know its good and so they’re more than happy to share.
If you don’t pop out a demo, i’m now forever going to question if your game is good or not.
Every game needs a demo, so you can try what you’re about to buy
old ways need to come back
They’ve been very successful with that strategy with FF14 online.
Not possible as most games aren’t presentable until 3 weeks after launch.
This demo gave me PTSD. 10/10, would cry and be traumatized again.
I am a 34 year old, hardened man. I don’t get emotional via media at all really. I bawled like a fucking baby at the end of the demo. Being an older brother to “the golden child”, that looks up to you like a god. That fucking scene. . . The pleading. . . The maddening RAGE as he is watching. . . The sheer fucking brutality. . . It’s the most emotionally impactful moment I have ever felt playing a video game.
I’m buying a PS5 just for this game.
Love watching Yoshi-P / Koji / Soken / Creative Business Unit III succeed 🙂
Hope the full game in its entirety is as good as the demo.
I mean, it comes from the dude with the game with the best demo ever.
The producer of this game also helms Final Fantasy 14, which has the base game and first expansion as a ‘free demo’.
Hundred hour demo? Check.
Demo went from 😁 to 😟😭
I love FF generally but after FFXV I wouldn’t have preordered had I not played this demo. I would’ve gotten around to it for sure but the demo sealed the deal – I want to start playing on day one. Definitely good advertising if you’re bringing a well made game.
I just finished the demo 5 minutes ago. Im fully sold on the game and I love the combat.