I took this picture as a prompt to introduce my 5 yo to Monty Python. I went with a clip from the Ministry of Silly Walks. He approves. What should I show him next?
These guys were geniuses ahead of their time. I don’t think that’s a exaggeration. These guys introduced me to British humor and I’ve been in love ever since.
I am cornholio
A couple missing, but there’s Cleese, Palin, Gilliam and Jones, for a start! Maybe the others are out looking for Spam…
“And now, the sketch about insurance called…Insurance Sketch !!”
Me and the boys stoned in tesco
Amungus 𐐘
The greatest Comedy group of all time.
Harold the Clever Sheep!
My era, right there! Me and my friends loved MP!
Has John Cleese stayed 50 forever?
Eh, that’s 3/4’s of Python at best.
I took this picture as a prompt to introduce my 5 yo to Monty Python. I went with a clip from the Ministry of Silly Walks. He approves. What should I show him next?
1976 what a time to be alive
This is sus.
Looking at the picture, I can’t help but think Gilliam is committing to the role more than the others.
The other’s aren’t “wearing” the clothes properly, they’re holding them in place and posing.
this photo taken from perfect angle
The original cornholio, and his entourage
Among us
I get mid 90’s beastie boys vibe from that picture.
Ahhh… John Cleese!
If you want an upvote.
You will need to bring me A SHRUBBY!
John Cleese has always looked 55+
John Cleese by far the funniest in this pic
They need TP for their bung holes
The council of Cornholio will decide your fate.
I don’t think we’ll ever see such perfection ever again. ❤️
Season 2 of Moon Knight is looking pretty wild
Finding friends with the same mental disorder… Priceless.
Favorite skit: argument
Currently watching Time Bandits on a cross country plane ride while scrolling Reddit and this popped up.
“Standby for mind control.”
Its Mr Frog. HELLO.
These guys were geniuses ahead of their time. I don’t think that’s a exaggeration. These guys introduced me to British humor and I’ve been in love ever since.
My brain hurts!
The first legit old school cool picture ive ever seen thats not someones lame ass grandma next to a car
I recently re-watched *Monty Python’s Flying Circus* for the first time since I was a teen. Yeah, it holds up.