Mila Kunis Calls Out An Autograph Dealer Who Mistakes Her For Megan Fox While Leaving Jimmy Kimmel
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Mila Kunis Calls Out An Autograph Dealer Who Mistakes Her For Megan Fox While Leaving Jimmy Kimmel
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That seems so stressful dealing with so many people asking so many (possibly inappropriate) things of you while you are expected to keep a nice and graceful attitude
People are so weird. I understand being a fan and wanting to meet someone but I couldn’t imagine begging for a signature or a picture. It just seems so weird that people want these unauthentic interactions, don’t even get me started on paid meet and greets.
She seems like an incredibly decent person. A celebrity!
still waiting on the part where she “calls” the dealer “out”
She’s so nice
“Im gonna pass on that one my friend.”
Her manners and behavior here are impeccable.
People are fucking cringe
Don’t blame her. I get mistaken for Megan Fox all the time.
Holy cats my appreciation for Mila Kunis just shot up like 200%. Thanks for sharing!
“Mila, can I get a selfie without the mask?”
How about fucking NO.
How to win fans in 10 seconds!
She was quick, friendly, awesome and funny.
She is really nice
She’s got the ‘my friend’ training down my friend.
celebrity culture is fucking weird
She is so kind person.
It reminded me this interview that she helped the nervous interviewer
Mila is the epitome of class though. There was no better way to handle this.
Master class in walking the autograph line right here
“Can you risk your health so I can get a picture of you that I can just Google?”
What a nightmare having to deal with that shit.
“No, I’m not gonna take the mask off, my friend.”
Fuckin’ Mila Kunis, establishing a boundary respectfully and unambiguously. Damn that was good. She’s a pro.
There are about 50 individual interactions she had to deal with here in rapid fire and she handled each one so perfectly, either saying one pic wasn’t her, or that she wouldn’t sign the one of her in her underwear, or that she won’t take her mask off, and each time she was so polite. I can’t think of many people, celebrity or not, who would have the calm mindset to deal with this chaos the way she did.
I am going to pass on that one my friend hahaha!!!! the smoothest line possible in this situation!!!
One of the few celebrities i think is likely a decent person. A+ on how she handled the idiot asking about the mask
Between this, the time she bitched out a “reporter” for asking a stupid question during an interview, and the EPK interview where she agreed to go hang out with the interviewer’s friends at a local football club match, I have a ton of respect for her.
I get how weird all of this is, but:
How TF do you mistake Mila Kunis for Megan Fox?
“That is a rare photo of Sean Connery signed by Rodger Moore”
I used to think celebs who refused to sign autographs were obtuse but now I’m realizing why would you ever deal with these shitters?
she handled everything with great professionalism and class
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are the true power couple of Hollywood. Both seem like amazing people.
Fucking leeches