Mick Jagger being diplomatic when asked “How do you compare your group with the Beatles?” 1965
Mick Jagger being diplomatic when asked “How do you compare your group with the Beatles?” 1965
byu/Rizzo360 inOldSchoolCool
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good answer 

Greatest band ever
Paul McCartney: Yes. We are better.
Ah, now I see the appeal. I’ve only ever seen him when he was, well, old. Not sure why I’m surprised that he was cute in his youth.
Makes me want to smoke a cigarette ( it’s been 17 years since my last cigarette )
Stoned out of his head and still running rings around that reporter.
The media asking stupid questions since the invention of the microphone.
What are these questions?

News reporter: I want to start a fight.
God dammit hippie. Give me the quote that I’ve already written.
The only thing I can think of when I see him is that he seduced his own sex therapist. Man was a legend
I don’t think of either being better than the other , they are just different
I love how Mick referred to the Beatles as a “four-headed monster”
I never understood this “rivalry” besides being popular bands at the same time. They don’t sound that much alike
I’d argue The Beach Boys are a better comparison and even that’s a stretch
That eye brow raise just says “we’re definitely getting laid more than the Beatles”
The two bands were good friends and one of the early stones hits was actually a song written by the Beatles which they gave to the stones. “I wanna be you man” was written by the Beatles, released by the stones first, and later released by the Beatles. It’s interesting hearing the two versions and how they very much display the differences in the way the two bands played.
– Welcome home, how was your day?
– Well honey, I asked a fellow some very insightful questions.
Ones not better than the other, because both have great songs . No question though the Beatles ended up being more important.
He’s right they are different why compare them.
I have to admit I listen to the Beatles more often.
The media really have ALWAYS been arseholes haven’t they.
And THAT is how you be a beloved rockstar for over 50 years
Somebody told this man to get a quote for the headline of JAGGER THINKS HE’S BETTER THAN THE BEATLES! and he was not giving up on it lol.
What a POS reporter.
haha I love his I’m very proud of myself smile at the end lol.
The Stones were great but the Beatles are in a different universe of greatness
Why does everything have to be a competition? Or someone dissing someone else? Very classy answer to a very unclassy question.
Reporter: “you see, people have to choose one or the other! They can’t see value in both!”
always makes me laugh how the stones were marketed as the bad boy beatles, when they went to private schools
Who’s better Usain Bolt or Wayne Gretzky
The charm is off the charts with this kid. He should do music or something.
Not only diplomatic, but the only real answer
That smile jagger pulls at the end is the spitting image of a picture I’ve seen on here but I can’t for the life of me find it now. It’s a vintage picture of a kitten or a cat smiling? Maybe there’s a hospital or orphanage involved or something? A young boy and they’re both toothless?
You have the opportunity to ask a great question to a man who is going to be one of the most famous rock stars in the world, and you just screw it up.
1965 version of press looking for rage-bait.
Stupid fucking question to be fair
And my brother’s back at home with his Beatles and his Stones
We never got it off on that revolution stuff
What a drag
Too many snags
The media seems to not have changed at all huh
What kind of stupid questions are those??? Like damn wtf
Why are they trying to stir up shit?
That shit eating grin at the end is priceless when he knows they’re trying to goad him into saying something controversial. 😀
Two different bands, two different styles, both have something different to give you. That’s the beauty of music, man.
Feels like the PR manager was like: “Mick, I don’t care what you say, just be diplomatic about it, don’t say something stupid.” –> “Wdym? I’m the definition of diplomatic.”
Here is a little secret. the Beatles made the Stones better, and the Stones made the Beatles better.
Diplomatic or not, the Stones are the better rock band.
Dear God. He was stunning!