I remember being forced to watch an educational video (don’t do drugs, or alcohol, or drunk driving – one of those) in health class in 1996ish. I remember it “starred” Michelle Pfeiffer and Val Kilmer as the troubled couple. All I could think of was that I was watching Catwoman and Batman instead of whatever their characters were. They were also *very* young in the video.
Michelle Pefiffer, tht white gold
Looks like a shot from the movie Into The Nigth that they made tgether
And thy are both aging so well!
Jeff’s got that Soul Glo!
Did they date? Jeez I hate that guy! /s
I remember being forced to watch an educational video (don’t do drugs, or alcohol, or drunk driving – one of those) in health class in 1996ish. I remember it “starred” Michelle Pfeiffer and Val Kilmer as the troubled couple. All I could think of was that I was watching Catwoman and Batman instead of whatever their characters were. They were also *very* young in the video.
The classiest… sssssssssssssssssexist person on earth…
…and then there’s Michele Pfeiffer…
That handsome motherfucker
That’s a great photo!