Michael J. Fox repeatedly calling out “Doc” instead of “Judge” on the set of The Frighteners
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Michael J. Fox repeatedly calling out “Doc” instead of “Judge” on the set of The Frighteners
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Is this on the set of a TV show or a movie?
Hands down my favourite Peter Jackson movie.
That’s awesome!
I forgot this movie existed!
I loved this movie when I was a youngster. This blooper made my day and brought back good old sweet memories
Loved this movie
What an immensely likeable person.
I love this movie so much and this makes it even better.
The box art was dope
When I was a kid this was my absolute favorite movie
Michael J Fox has such a good voice.
Young Michael J. Fox 😍😍😍
Honestly this was such a fun movie that didn’t do well at all but deserves a wider audience.
Now I gotta go see where it’s streaming.
I remember seeing the hospital massacre scene as a kid and genuinely being terrified. Like I was seeing something I shouldn’t.
The long zoom in just for Michael to scream “DOC”.
One of the best bloopers ever, IMO.
Frighteners is a totally underrated movie. Very clever.
My wife makes fun of me for loving this movie. Sometimes makes me wonder why I married her.
I grew up watching Michael J Fox movies. Loved basically everything I saw him in. Looking back at him now and watching Tom Holland… I really think Tom is MJF of this generation. So many similar mannerisms and he is similarly likable and charismatic. The scene in No Way Home on the bridge/highway as he is bounding between cars and adjusting his tie makes me think of MJF every single time.
The Frighteners is such an underrated movie.
I watched the *Movies That Made Us* about *Back to the Future* and Michael J Fox was very overworked during those films so this feels totally understandable.
He’s so funny. Homeward Bound was his best movie!
Cant see any wrong. It’s just seem more natural.
I remember reading that problems with speech (dysphasia) can be an early indicator of Parkinson’s Disease, which he had been diagnosed with a few years earlier but didn’t share publicly until after the Frighteners came out.
He’s a treasure. For real.
The Frighteners is an amazing movie.
It was the movie Peter Jackson directed right before Lord of the Rings.
He is amazing.
I was listening to Dana Carveys podcast. And he mentioned Michael will stop taking his meds when hes doing charity work for parkinsons.
Dude puts himself through hell so people see the full effect of the disease.
I think the context is that his disease started to effect his work and that’s why he was calling out Doc instead of judge, I’ve seen this before and I’m almost certain that’s what they’re talking about
Frighteners is a movie I really like and always talk about when Michael J Fox comes up because it was a glimpse of the type of career he would’ve had if not for his illness progressing, he really could do everything and was insanely likable to everyone, action comedy drama horror, he could’ve been making such great movies in any genre
I will always watch this clip whenever it’s up here.
Old habit lol
The amount of times I rented this movie as a kid. Still love it to this day! Jeffrey Combs is soooo off the wall in it.
Please, for the love of god, do a VFX special edition of this movie.
I know that its just what we had at the time, but it kinda drags down a really really great movie.
The Frighteners is a great movie.
What accent does Michael J Fox have? I’m from the UK and can’t tell.
Such a great guy 😀 I loved the Frighteners!
I never realized Jackson directed the Frighteners, love that movie.
One of my favorite movies of all time.
It’s the OG Unbreakable.