Friday, February 21All That Matters

Method Acting — Criterion Channel Teaser


  • Robert Pattinson: “I always say about people who do method acting, you only ever see people do the method when they’re playing arseholes. You never see someone being lovely to everyone while they’re really deep in character.”

  • like the same “Method” Marlon Brando used to sexually assault (basically rape) Maria Schneider at the blessing, direction, and encouragement of Bertolucci?… that Method?… the same Method that led to Brando thinking he had a right to shove a stick of butter in the genitals of his scene partner? in front of an entire film crew?

    imho, Stanislavski’s technique is at best used by actors who aren’t delusional. otherwise, left to its own devices, it creeps in to mostly young men’s insecurities which are then used as unhinged, unchecked, dysfunctional, self-diagnosed, therapy sessions, often placing scene partners in potential danger. plz dont watch this and think “it’s ok cuz i’m acting” and use that as a self-proclaimed right to abuse and hit ppl. also, modern consensus of the majority of actors is that the method is overrated and toxic. doesn’t help that the few who advocate its use happen to be stars, amplifying validation to the illiterate. study it. use it when appropriate. learn other techniques cuz one alone doesn’t make an actor. above all, don’t disrespect it by abdicating your responsibility to the veil of an acting technique.

  • I thought that method acting was acting but going too deep on character like staying in character after the shots, but here i’m readings that it is to use personal feeling to reach the character emotional state. Did i get the idea?

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