My mother was an English teacher. That bitchy little ‘it’s too, not to’ voice will not be silenced. Ever. (She’s been dead sixteen years. Still hear it every damn day.) But I write better than anyone I know fwiw. Thanks, mom. Now please be quiet…………………………………….
You really wanna mess with her? Tell her every pause you make is a semi-colon and that your last two sentences were actually comma-spliced. There’s no way she can prove your’re wrong.
That’s fantastic!!
My mother was an English teacher. That bitchy little ‘it’s too, not to’ voice will not be silenced. Ever. (She’s been dead sixteen years. Still hear it every damn day.) But I write better than anyone I know fwiw. Thanks, mom. Now please be quiet…………………………………….
Good luck with you’re upcoming murder
This is the grammatical mistake that bothers me most as I cannot understand how people can confuse the two.
This would be even better if it looked authentic like the original, that would really mess with her when she noticed it.
> there
Hello, sofa.
I do the same with organization.
You really wanna mess with her? Tell her every pause you make is a semi-colon and that your last two sentences were actually comma-spliced. There’s no way she can prove your’re wrong.
Now your doing it
Your a monster
Damn, you married your English teacher? Nice.
Back then I was annoyed by grammar mistakes.
But then now I enjoying it so much to annoy people who has such Grammar-ocd.
Is this a face palm, so you’re silently correcting her grammer?
[Papyrus. I know what you did. I KNOW WHAT YOU DID!](
My wife is a university math professor. When I tell her, “Numbers are for adding and letters are for spelling.”, the daggers come out.
His name could be grammar
Your wife…
The english teacher…
Sounds pretty weird if you ask me
Your amazing. Its the best thing ever. Grammaring is my favorite thing.
My grammar is a nice lady! leave her alone.
But not spelling though
Wait until you find out the difference between grammar and spelling!
Congratulations, your wife is likely a serial killer.