‘Member when Xbox magazine had demo discs? Found these tucked away in my childhood relics
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‘Member when Xbox magazine had demo discs? Found these tucked away in my childhood relics
View Reddit by FootsieMcDingus – View Source
Sudeki is really nice
Those were the fun days. I have 2 of these magazines but I don’t remember where they’re at. Hopefully someone didn’t throw them away
And every single one of those aged well. That’s cool
PC Gamer as well as others.
Man I loved Sudeki as a kid. Game was punishingly hard, or I was just a stupid kid. Either way, very fun!
Sudeki is a top tier game btw
I do. Remember lid stickers?
I ‘member
man conker 2 was such a letdown
conker 1 multiplayer was so much fun
Had one with Crimson Skies that I used to play over and over.
Yes, that was the 1st time I played FFXI online and it changed my gaming life forever!
Oh shit this just reminded me how much we need backwards compatibility for Outlaw Golf
Sudeki was amazing, the ending felt rushed and incomplete, but otherwise i had lots of fun with the game, can’t count how many times i finished it.
There’s also the one disc which has the full Capcom vs SNK 2, but it’s japanese.
Omg modern combat was epic!
I played that Conker demo disc so many times that i was disappointed to find out the full game is not all WW2