Lots of people are accused of lots of things. If we’ve learned anything from the Reddit community’s various fuck-ups, it’s that you can’t rely on accusations.
*People’s live shouldn’t be ruined by accusations. That’s not justice.*
John Blanchard is the megachurch pastor that was busted in a Virginia Beach prostitution sting trying to have sex with an underage girl. Of the 16 men who were arrested, the authorities only dropped charges against Blanchard.
BS like this is why I left the church. Some “man of god” telling me I’m a sinner for not forking over 10% of my earnings no question, while he’s up at the podium getting blown by teenagers he’s tricked into doing “gods work.” Yeah no thanks
Media. Media. Media. Get it out there and make this news very popular in neighbouring areas. It’s how we brought out hundreds of clergy victims in the 1990’s in Victoria, Australia.
It’s crazy, but I think people are actually talking around each other. The reactionary right isn’t actually concerned with pedophilia, generally, they’re concerned with the “demonic” image of random people capturing children…kind of an offshoot of the satanic-panic and stranger danger cultural panics from the 70s 80s and 90s.
They have demonstrated that they consider a “traditional” household to be a man with at least one wife, *of any age*, who submits to him in fealty and it’s his job to protect her.
The left think women’s rights mean that women should be free to choose her path in society and any job they are capable of performing they should be allowed to perform and be given equal consideration. The right thinks that women belong in a particular bucket and should stay in that particular bucket with the men keeping them there.
Conservativism comes from a prescriptive, top-down hierarchical societal structure where conformity is praised and people that don’t fit to the conservative molds are cast to the side.
I find it fascinating when I see ostensible conservatives with bumper stickers saying things like “liberals tell you what to think(;) conservatives just tell you to think”. These thoughts come from the notion that someone of a station that you perceive as lesser is asking you to not be an asshole, and you really want to be an asshole, because saying things that offend other people is “thinking”. This crowd is banning books and they’re claiming that they want you to think.
It’s amazing they have slogans like “the answer to 1984 is 1776” when they’re literally acting out 1984.
The power of God is strong in this man…or he was diddling some of the authorities who let him off, afraid he would tell the world the authorities came back for more.
The church always keep their traditions alive.
Southern Baptist clergy abusers
List of Priests Accused of Abuse By Diocese, State, or Name
Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers
Ex President of America accused of sexual abuse is still running for another term as President of America
Jesus said he’s cool with it cuz this guy makes him so much bank.
[Head of a church accused of sexual assault of minors?](https://i.imgur.com/K58eIZ8.png)
Lots of people are accused of lots of things. If we’ve learned anything from the Reddit community’s various fuck-ups, it’s that you can’t rely on accusations.
*People’s live shouldn’t be ruined by accusations. That’s not justice.*
ITT: people who need a dictionary to look up the word “accused”
religious communities and sexual abuse still goes hand and hand i see
John Blanchard is the megachurch pastor that was busted in a Virginia Beach prostitution sting trying to have sex with an underage girl. Of the 16 men who were arrested, the authorities only dropped charges against Blanchard.
So it’s come to this. The drag queens are disguising themselves as mega church pastors and molesting kids
Are there megachurches that aren’t cults?
BS like this is why I left the church. Some “man of god” telling me I’m a sinner for not forking over 10% of my earnings no question, while he’s up at the podium getting blown by teenagers he’s tricked into doing “gods work.” Yeah no thanks
It’s the best priest they have. The previous one shot up a Cinnabun.
Media. Media. Media. Get it out there and make this news very popular in neighbouring areas. It’s how we brought out hundreds of clergy victims in the 1990’s in Victoria, Australia.
These are the types of stories I’m going to miss from Vice.
Another good Christian pedophile pastor, seems to be a big thing in churches. The groomers are in the churches not the drag shows!
This is a feature, not a bug.
It’s crazy, but I think people are actually talking around each other. The reactionary right isn’t actually concerned with pedophilia, generally, they’re concerned with the “demonic” image of random people capturing children…kind of an offshoot of the satanic-panic and stranger danger cultural panics from the 70s 80s and 90s.
They have demonstrated that they consider a “traditional” household to be a man with at least one wife, *of any age*, who submits to him in fealty and it’s his job to protect her.
The left think women’s rights mean that women should be free to choose her path in society and any job they are capable of performing they should be allowed to perform and be given equal consideration. The right thinks that women belong in a particular bucket and should stay in that particular bucket with the men keeping them there.
Conservativism comes from a prescriptive, top-down hierarchical societal structure where conformity is praised and people that don’t fit to the conservative molds are cast to the side.
I find it fascinating when I see ostensible conservatives with bumper stickers saying things like “liberals tell you what to think(;) conservatives just tell you to think”. These thoughts come from the notion that someone of a station that you perceive as lesser is asking you to not be an asshole, and you really want to be an asshole, because saying things that offend other people is “thinking”. This crowd is banning books and they’re claiming that they want you to think.
It’s amazing they have slogans like “the answer to 1984 is 1776” when they’re literally acting out 1984.
And yet republicans are going after trans…
god’s will. It is what it is. /s
/r/Pastorarrested for anyone that wants to check out more of this stuff.
Where’s all the conservatives screeching about “transgender grooming”? Owait finding excuse to defend their own.
Oh, another megachurch creeper?
Now, it’s not completely accurate to assume that every megachurch pastor is a pedophile, so I’ll list out the ones who definitely aren’t:
Megachurches need to just not exist. I’ve heard nothing but horrible things about them. To me, they serve no purpose.
I keep saying, if republicans actually cared about protecting kids from predators they would be cracking down on churches not drag shows.
It’s such a shame we’re losing Vice news. They’ve done some great works the last decade.
If this is is America we already know religion comes first. People’s lives come last.
How about the Megachurch pastors living in hundred million dollar mansions, and flying private jets? When will they be busted?
Megachurches are cults of personality. These congregations will forgive their pastors for murder if they pay lip service to repenting.
He’s not in drag though, so it’s OK.
Probably got a raise, too.
This is horrible and I support this woman’s cause to **dismantle this monster and his ‘church’**.
However, why is it that people think they can live-record themselves on social media *while they drive*, and *while they are being recorded anyway*.
This is ridiculously common and it’s good to hear it’s coming to light more often.
I still don’t understand how some of these ‘organizations’ are allowed to ‘handle things internally’. Uh no that’s not how our society should work.
The power of God is strong in this man…or he was diddling some of the authorities who let him off, afraid he would tell the world the authorities came back for more.
Of course they’re still preaching. The church *always* protects their in-house molestation team.
Edit: downvoted by a priest, I guess.
“if kids were abused by clowns as much as they are by preachers no child would be allowed into a circus”