Me and my friend (6’5 vs 5’5)
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Me and my friend (6’5 vs 5’5)
View Reddit by NotSoWeakGirl – View Source
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Which one’s which?
edit: wow, do I really need the /s? Come on Reddit.
I went for a lunchtime stroll with two lady co-workers. One was 6 2 the other 6 3 – I am 5 8.
It felt like my mum and my auntie were taking me out for a walk. Very odd. I didn’t feel less manly. But I did feel less adultly. If you know what I mean.
Please tell me she drives a smart car or Fiat 500
I know them, they’re fighting romans with druid’s potion
6″0 vs 5″11
Please banana for scale
Digging the Beattlejuice pants.

Op should have put her age in the title because these comments are yikes
there’s a tall kid in my extended family and she’s so self-conscious about it. she’s always crouching and it’s so sad. she’s slender and looks like a tall millie brown. it’s a shame bc she’s a sweet kid, too. not a giant either. maybe 5-11.
Edit: maybe, maybe not.
Dex build Vs Str build.
Both are viable
I’m a short dude. A volleyball player from high school asked me to their volleyball dance. Ok. Cool. We go for the photo and the photographer positions her in front with my arms around here. Classic pose. But he keeps asking her to lean backwards to get shorter to me. She was probably at a 25 degree angle. I finally just told the dude to take the photo. Was funny. Also had a guy tell me I looked like mini Andre Agassi while on a date once. The good news I guess I still went in dates!
I’m a 6’5″ lady too! Apparently there’s only about 3,000 women our height or taller in the US so we are a rare breed.
Should go find a 4’5″ friend too.
Would be a good start to a party.
6’5″ Tank
5’5″ Rogue
4’5″ Healer

weeps in 5’2″
This post needs Chris Hanson
Why doesn’t the largest friend not simply eat the smaller friends?
That’s a 1.96 m and 1.65 m
This is clearly the height difference between 5’11 and 6’0
As someone who reached 6’8” when I was 13 I love that she is wearing pants with long vertical stripes and not trying to conceal her height! Makes me sad when I see a tall woman hunching over.
Crtl+F “Snu”
*Found (16)*
Oh reddit, never change.
My sis is 6’4 and managed to marry a guy whose 7′