In an M. Night Shyamalan twist, the killer is a social outcast jealous of good-looking people, and wants to steal their faces to become the most attractive monster out there
Welp, at this point you’re gonna die anyway. Might as well try and join whatever cult/axe murderer is terrorizing the place and have some fun before you die!
I thought splitting up in a horror movie is the last thing you want to do. It only works for the Scooby gang because Shaggy using more than 1% of his power would destroy the universe.
for once I want a horror movie where the group just turns around and get back to their car, nothing happens and it turns into a road trip movie where the main dude finally admit his feelings for the most unexpected member of the group and they find true love but then a twist ending where they turn out to be dead this whole time because they were stupid idiots who ignored dozens of red flags and went into the haunted mansion anyways
Hey, you see that shack over there that’s falling apart? You wanna trespass and hook up there?
# [EDIT](
[*EDIT*]( *To the people pointing the butt, you are right*
All you have to do is be the comic relief. If you beat the first death, you’ll survive to the end. 😀
In an M. Night Shyamalan twist, the killer is a social outcast jealous of good-looking people, and wants to steal their faces to become the most attractive monster out there
Simple survival plan: become “Final Girl”
But but but.. my dad is super rich and paid for our whole trip! Doesn’t that count for something?
Plot twist: Grafo is the killer
At least you aren’t wearing a red shirt.
Are you also the side character?
You could be the dude that warns them about the ancient zombie curse?
“Let’s investigate the chainsaw noises in the shed”
Welp, at this point you’re gonna die anyway. Might as well try and join whatever cult/axe murderer is terrorizing the place and have some fun before you die!
[You’ve got nothing to worry about SrGrafo. The deck has been stacked in your favor.](
I’m going to the basement. Alone. With a candle.
Make sure you hide in the most exposed and noticeable area, works every time.
Just make sure you don’t get naked or bully anyone. Those seem to be the first to get killed.
Just don’t be black. Theyre always killing off the black guy first. Like godammn if that were my ass i’d be pissed.
Wear a suit of cute animals. Nobody wants to watch a movie where the dog dies.
If he’s a virgin, he’s safe.
I like how cabin in the woods turned this on its head.
If the famous ones are expensive, they might have a shorter contract and fewer scenes. just sayin
And then the other two proceeded to have sex
You can tell its rated R also because they are all topless.
>!They are also bottomless but that is for different reasons.!<
“What about the guy at the front gate telling us that nobody lived here since 200 years?”
“Lmao what guy?”
I thought splitting up in a horror movie is the last thing you want to do. It only works for the Scooby gang because Shaggy using more than 1% of his power would destroy the universe.
best way to survive a horror movie is to have a chainsaw hand.
You don’t want to be *too* famous though. Any A-lister who shows up is basically just there for a quick cameo and will be the first one killed.
I see that fgo summer has given you a bit of inspiration 😉
“What was that sound?”
“I dunno, let’s go check out”
Without spoiling it Cabin in the Woods did a good job with this trope.
for once I want a horror movie where the group just turns around and get back to their car, nothing happens and it turns into a road trip movie where the main dude finally admit his feelings for the most unexpected member of the group and they find true love but then a twist ending where they turn out to be dead this whole time because they were stupid idiots who ignored dozens of red flags and went into the haunted mansion anyways
I don’t get it
Don’t worry. For as long as you know how to love, I know you’ll stay alive.
If you aren’t hot in a horror movie you might as well backflip into the murder basement
Just bring along a Nerdy girl and adopt a huge dog and you’ll be fine.