May I present for your consideration: the inverted-symmetrical Xbox controller. Cursed? Or perfect?
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May I present for your consideration: the inverted-symmetrical Xbox controller. Cursed? Or perfect?
View Reddit by Tuuvas – View Source
You just pissed of both sides
The DS4 Fans and Xbox fans
Great job
Absolutely cursed
Jokes aside – anyone know if something like this actually exists? Wii U pro controller does, but lacks analog triggers
Close to perfect. 9.5 out of 10. Hit me up on Xbox: Classy Cool Sam
tf is this? get out
I don’t know what to do now.
Nah bro the offset thumbsticks make pressing the buttons so much more comfortable. That’s why they designed it that way.
Filthy but I’d like to try it
This makes me uncomfortable af.
oh god why this is so cursed
What in the Kentucky fried fuck…
This is literally the Wii U Pro controller.
that actually looks more comfortable to use
pro controllers could do this, it took 2 seconds to get used to it
Just get a PlayStation dude
Fuck off with that cursed shit
as someone who grew up with a wii u/the pro controller for it, this is awful. The gamepad was actually pretty good, but the button layout doesn’t work being in more than the sticks
I’m a PlayStation guy, but even I find this cursed.
Not sure it’s muscle memory talking or just can’t properly imagine using something like this but I feel like aiming would not be as accurate with the right thumb. Maybe. Other than that, this is fine.
We had a system and it worked, and then you came along and ruined it.
I think that’s also a quote from somewhere
Invert the bottom row. I want abyx on my left hand. Than its perfect
Steam controller was like this and I don’t find it particularly comfortable to use the buttons.
You could swap your placement with the Thrustmaster eswap contr…no wait, even they know better than to offer that cursed option. You shall not pass!
Utterly accursed
Interesting 🧐
just a better d-pad and the controller would be perfect
The fact that it isn’t designed like this bothers me. Either keep both sticks up high like this, or down low like the PS controllers. None of this bastardized N64 controller nonsense.
My hand hurts just looking at it
Me, who never plays console games, who can’t tell that anythings different lmao
Perfection. 😙👌
Just use PS4
No just no
This would be PlayStation and Xbox’s kid
How would you use the thumb toggles? With your sideways pointer fingers? You’d be the least accurate gamer on the server.