Marlene Dietrich singing “Where have all the flowers gone” in London, 1972
Marlene Dietrich singing "Where have all the flowers gone" in London, 1972 from OldSchoolCool
View Reddit by leo_artifex – View Source
Marlene Dietrich singing “Where have all the flowers gone” in London, 1972
Marlene Dietrich singing "Where have all the flowers gone" in London, 1972 from OldSchoolCool
View Reddit by leo_artifex – View Source
Thank you. I really enjoyed that song. Never knew she sang it.
Huh… I was whistling this song when this post popped up i the feed. What a weird coincidence!
Really powerful. She’s from a generation thats seen how we never learn. Thanks for posting that
She was wonderful. I knew that Madeline Kahn had spoofed her in Blazing Saddles but forgot how funny she was in it.
Smithers…do you think…maybe my power plant killed those ducks?
She was a beautiful woman.
This was beautiful. I’ve always loved her. Her biography was really good and interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Such a remarkable woman.
… Lily??
What is the story with this singer. There is something strange yet hypnotizing about her.
Such presence.
Her phrasing was really moving.
Marlene is too Fabulous!
Schpeeking Englisch wizz Marlene Dittrick.
It’s a tie between the timelessness of MD and the message from Pete S. Thanks OP!
Sh was also awarded the Medal of Freedom and the Légion d’honneur for her wartime work performing for soldiers and donating huge amounts of her film proceeds to help get Jews out of Europe.
Was very nice to see and hear, thanks
Kingston Trio made this sond famous in the late 50’s
She was very unique
I hate to ask… what’s up with her face? Old timey plastic surgery?