Man writing down some notes on a lakeshore, while enjoying the sun (1960s)
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Man writing down some notes on a lakeshore, while enjoying the sun (1960s)
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I love his alligator skin chaps.
What the actual fuck…
Photographer Peter Beard.
Holy shit! Look behind you, dude! There’s a gator!
Gator sleeping bag
A self portrait by Peter Beard, this was taken in Kenya, 1968. He used this deceased crocodile as a prop in his photos and would use his blood on the photos as paint.
Peter Beard, great artist.
“Gators coming bro, snap a pic right before he bites me in half… this shits gonna be so sick”
“…and so the drunken brute loudly boasted that he could swallow a chap in one go, whilst I just as drunkenly averred that he could do no such thing. As it turns out, we were both right, and we also now find ourselves in a most awkward spot.”
I’m both confused terrified and intrigued
Go away can’t you see I’m busy got a deadline ffs
Dear Lacoste…
100% gator trousers
Back when LACOSTE made sleeping bags.
“Note to self: don’t piss off alligators”.