Man with massive balls shows how dangerous ‘kick back’ on table saw can be!!
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Man with massive balls shows how dangerous ‘kick back’ on table saw can be!!
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He doesn’t have massive balls, a pretty big point of his video is himself admitting how after the fact he realized how ignorant and stupid he was to even attempt that demonstration.
I appreciate his almost sacrifice to educate people. He walked away with all of his fingers, but he might have saved several people from losing theirs in the process.
Massive balls? No.
He thought he was doing it in a relatively safe manner, standing a bit away, holding a push block, being prepared to pull away etc. But he underestimated the effect of the kickback.
While it was stupid, this does have value to show someone you are teaching gow to be safe.
I used to be a very stupid driver when I was younger. I thought people who got in accidents were just bad drivers and I would be able to get out of anything because I was such a “great driver”. Until I was in a situation where I got in an accident while, ironically, driving quite safely at that moment. I realized there was no way I could’ve avoided what happened at all and it made me realize that driving safely probably saved my life.
I was expecting massive balls to be put on the table saw. No balls visible 0/5
fucking dude was millimeters from losing his goddamn finger. this shit terrifies me but it is a good reminder that even with practice and what appears to be reasonable knowledge you can’t be too careful around machines
In my shop class in high school I was making a chess board, and the teacher had me let him make one of the cuts on the tablesaw because it was cutting a piece that had been glued together, and if the glue fails a piece could break off and get kicked back.
Sure enough, he starts making the cut, a piece breaks off and flies back and hits his pinky finger, breaking it. I felt really bad about it, but was also glad it wasn’t me.
At least he admits he’s an idiot
Try it with a sheet of rigid insulation.
Kickback is no joke, and neither are table saws. Respect your tools and be mindful or you’ll end up like me and almost lose a finger to one.
That time of the year again?
OP getting roasted lmao
I don’t think describing this as a “massive balls” thing is appropriate. Kind of misses the point.
I don’t understand why you’d think to make this video without deploying a SawStop or equivalent technology to do it.
Like, definitely show kickbacks…people, especially those new to table saws, should know what it is and why it’s so dangerous…but use the best safety technology available so if anything does go wrong you give yourself every chance to survive the blade.
I worked at a cabinet shop in high school. I flat out refused to use the table saw. The wall behind the saw had holes and dents in it from kickbacks. The guys running the saw would sign and date the holes, like they were works of art.
For anyone scared to use a table saw now, realize there is a technique to it. As counter-intuitive as it seems, you want the back pressure on the stock closer to the blade (vs closer to the fence as you see him do). Otherwise, it greatly increases the chance of it twisting, as you see here. Also use a second push stick to push down on the stock past the half way point of the blade, so it doesn’t jump over blade.
His technique, which was obviously to show the dangers of kickback, is exactly how you would cut a piece of wood if you want it to kick back.
I’ve got a “father and brother” (they are in quotes because we’re not actually related but they are my family) that are into wood working. They both have a healthy fear of table saws. Apparently, before I knew them they knew a guy who cut off two or three of his fingers accidently, using a table saw. As for me. I’m down right terrified of motorized blades. You’ll never catch me using one.
I mean… wear chain link gloves for gods sake… ur fingers are centimeters from a fkn spinning blade…. christ.
Those pushing blocks look woefully inadequate? Like yeah it’s probably got more grip but you’re basically on top of the blade whilst using it
In school the technicians used vaguely shaped sticks on the dangerous machines that were about half a meter long so that their body parts were as far away from the moving blade as possible
The blade should be higher then he is cutting at.
Kick-back on a table saw is scary as fuck
In grade 11 in my shop class, I was finishing a project for extra credit and was doing basically the same thing and something made it kick back, and the wood sliced my wrist horizontally and flew into the white board behind me
Luckily the cut wasn’t deep, and didn’t get to a vein, but it scared the fuck out of me
I looked like I was an emo kid for a while after that
router table at a job i had. coworker milling some wood on a pattern bit. it caught. sent the wood rocketing across the room to ping off the walls, the top half of the bit shot through the light, shattering it, and went out a door to land in the drive. jessum lift came out of the bench and fell back down through its hole…
crazy amount of force.
As a former professional woodworker, this was hard to watch. I have had a couple kickbacks in my time and had taken a couple in the gut and it’s quite painful.
If zombies eat your brains, table saws and router tables eat your fingers.
I learned respect for shop tools way early on, when my wood working teacher showed us his finger that took the brunt of a jointer planer.shaved off his top nuckle, and his finger was stuck in one position.
“Boy are they right” – this guy is awesome for sharing this video.
That’s scary, table saws are no joke
Table saws are extremely dangerous even with a guard I used to build decks with my Dad and I remember we had a really cheap unstable Ryobi table saw with a small hard plastic guard and I had to cut some angle cuts on the balusters and prior to that had never used a table saw for something so thin as 2×2 after cutting about 9 of them there was some remaining wood pieces about 2-3 inches that up to that point they would fall on to the ground do too the vibration but these ones slide under the guard and wedged it up and the remaining pieces followed it so fast it shot them as projectiles and 2 of them went right though the customers vinyl siding I learned that day always clear everything every time even if your doing a hundred small cuts it could be enough to really injure someone… That saw was horrible because the shut off was right in front of where the direction of the blade
Not the smartest way to show that. We always used these long, push sticks in high school so our fingers were always at least a foot away from the blade. Well, I did anyway.
In my highschool shop class there was a 1×2″ dent in one of the chalk boards at head height. It was from a tablesaw kickback that traveled about 50 feet.
Da bears
When I was a lot younger I was a stupid idiot and tried to use a router head “free hand” to carve a hole into a small chunk of wood.
I lost a good chunk of the top of my middle finger, and I count myself lucky I didn’t lose even more.
Needless to say, I’ll be making sure my kids respect these tools and how quickly things can go wrong
That’s why I don’t do wood working. Hopefully this scared enough people to take wood working safety VERY seriously.
In woodshed in high school, three was a garage door behind the table saw with a huge dent in it. This door was near 20ft back from the saw.
The teacher always pointed it out to new students.
It was a pretty good reminder to not mess around with the saw and do things proper.
…I’m glad I took an interest in electronics and computers rather than woodworking.
…sure, I’ve zapped myself a few times but I still have all of my limbs, and I’m pretty certain I’d be short a few digits if saws are what I messed around with instead
Go with a sawstop. It doesn’t eliminate danger but it sure does minimize it.