My car key battery died so I gotta use the key on the door to manually lock the car.
Thats the thing that’s the hardest cuz I always put the key on my left side like a dumbass so I gotta hold all the shit and try to reach to my left pocket with my right hand.
Never carried kids with alongside what I bought though.
Lol! When I was 19 I was 6’2” and weighed 145 lbs so I was super skinny. I was rebuilding a Volkswagen bug that I got for 50 bucks. It had a blow engine and a smashed drivers door. I also needed a bunch of misc parts. The local junkyard had its annual deal where they would charge 50 bucks for whatever you could carry for 15 feet. You could do whatever you needed as long as nothing touched the ground during that 15 feet. I had my wife help me get ready. I strapped the door to my back along with a duffel bag I used to carry all the misc. parts. I had the engine sitting on a block right at the line. I grabbed the engine and walked the entire distance. I wasn’t a strong guy but it’s amazing what you can do if you put your mind to it. There was a crowd there watching everyone and when I started they all cheered me and when I made it they all went wild! The dude at the yard was so impressed he said I could have it free. He never saw anyone carry an engine much less the rest too. Bug engines are heavy but it’s not like a Chevy V8.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate that this man is not only carrying the goods he bought from multiple stores and his clothes from the dry cleaners, he is also carrying two entire other human beings. While opening and closing almost every door to his SUV. Humanity has officially peaked. There is nowhere to go but down from here.
Liver King barbarian
Peak dadding.
There is only leg day, everyday. What an Atlas!
I think I just found my new sherpa
– subtract 1 kid and $500
Oops, forgot to lock the car.
Nice. I’m surprised that Death Stranding already got a sequel!
That’s impressive. Kid 2 for the win.
When we make it one trip, we are giving it our all to be lazy later.
That dad grip strength is next level
Why are there three clones at the very beginning
He Is a Man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will
Challenge him. I dare you!
I do IC full time. This is the way
His left arm will no longer be his once the load is off
Why are the kids not walking
Kids are for carrying their own weight in goods.
“You are carrying too much to be able to run.”
This is a great tip actually. If you load yourself up with bags before taking the dead bodies out of the car, no one even notices what you’re doing.
My car key battery died so I gotta use the key on the door to manually lock the car.
Thats the thing that’s the hardest cuz I always put the key on my left side like a dumbass so I gotta hold all the shit and try to reach to my left pocket with my right hand.
Never carried kids with alongside what I bought though.
Men will find a way to make it in one trip even if it’s harder than taking more than one we will make it in one trip
Mommy ain’t raised no two trip bitch💀💀
He’s the type of dad that when he says he’s gonna turn the car around, he picks ups the car and and turns it around.
Bro he carrying two kids and all the fuckin bags. This guy definitely did all the side quests first.
Lol! When I was 19 I was 6’2” and weighed 145 lbs so I was super skinny. I was rebuilding a Volkswagen bug that I got for 50 bucks. It had a blow engine and a smashed drivers door. I also needed a bunch of misc parts. The local junkyard had its annual deal where they would charge 50 bucks for whatever you could carry for 15 feet. You could do whatever you needed as long as nothing touched the ground during that 15 feet. I had my wife help me get ready. I strapped the door to my back along with a duffel bag I used to carry all the misc. parts. I had the engine sitting on a block right at the line. I grabbed the engine and walked the entire distance. I wasn’t a strong guy but it’s amazing what you can do if you put your mind to it. There was a crowd there watching everyone and when I started they all cheered me and when I made it they all went wild! The dude at the yard was so impressed he said I could have it free. He never saw anyone carry an engine much less the rest too. Bug engines are heavy but it’s not like a Chevy V8.
I was sore for days but it was worth it.
Training for the Parenting Olympics.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate that this man is not only carrying the goods he bought from multiple stores and his clothes from the dry cleaners, he is also carrying two entire other human beings. While opening and closing almost every door to his SUV. Humanity has officially peaked. There is nowhere to go but down from here.
Took my two little girls into the 7-11 with me (as always)
Lady comes in, “you are the best dad.”
“Lady,” I said, “I waited 40 years to have my kids and I’m not about to leave them in a car outside of a 7-11.”
Moma didn’t raise no 2 trip bitch
This is not about being lazy and taking everything in one trip (though that’s impressive too).
This is about having kids and needing to not leave them alone.
* Bring the stuff first? Can’t leave the kids alone in the car.
* Bring the kids first? Can’t leave kids alone inside while you go back for the stuff.
Bring everything all at once!
One trip or die trying.
This is impractical, every child able to walk could have gotten a bag and still would have been one trip, use your assets wisely.
Now get the keys from you back pocket.
*takes the groceries out*
WoW that’s a lot of bags, this guy is what all men aspire to be-
*takes out child*
He ain’t no two trip bitch.