Mace Windu, without a lightsaber vs 100,000 droids – from Genndy Tartakovsky’s “Clone Wars” animated series (2003)
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Mace Windu, without a lightsaber vs 100,000 droids – from Genndy Tartakovsky’s “Clone Wars” animated series (2003)
View Reddit by MulciberTenebras – View Source
Lol what the hell, they made him as strong as super man. And this looks like it was made in the 80s not early 2000s. Lolol sooo bad
I dig the cash register (cha ching!) sound effect every time he force punches something through something else lol
I loved the giant hovering piston weapon. That thing is scary as hell.
No one does kinetic animation quite like Genndy Tartakovsky.
The whole series was well-done. They were all released as 5min shorts during Toonami on Cartoon Network.
When people say the Clone Wars show was good, are they talking about this or the CG one or both?
Why even carry the lightsaber at that point?
That whole sequence was so ridiculous and stupid. Love it
This Windu wouldn’t have gotten taken down like a chump by Anakin and Palpatine.
Just rewatched this after making a comment on this on another post. Feckin’ heck this was betchin’!!!
Willhelm scream…
Tartakovsky animating a warrior-philosopher facing off against an army of robots in impossible odds.
Hmm… I feel like I’ve seen this before…
Samurai Black
Sorry… I couldn’t resist.
Honestly, this kind of makes me wish the Star Wars shows/movies would lean a bit harder on force powers other than the standard push/pull. This takes it a bit far (Windu leaping like 2 miles in a single bound at the end of this clip after intensely fighting for several minutes is dealing with physics/power that trivializes way too many things in that universe), but I would love to see more force-assisted speed and power feats instead of yet another lightsaber duel every other episode.
I almost hate to say it, but Star Wars would benefit from taking some inspiration from anime villains. It would be cool to see more variety in powers and fighting styles to ratchet up the tension and wow-factor when they expand the universe. As of right now Disney seems to be trying their hardest to avoid taking any risks with the IP, which is a shame when they have a huge audience that is basically guaranteed to check out basically anything they make.
Then there was the scene where Yoda forces the droids back into the drop ship, closes its doors, then lifts it into the air and crashes it into another drop ship.
I am showing my young age, but this clip is what introduced me to what Star Wars was other than “I am your father,” and it was such an awesome sequence I had to learn more
Weird. I didn’t like it. He loses his light saber and suddenly the robots forget they have guns? And Jedi are not suppose to be superheros. This was just over-the-top nonsense.
It’s a shame Visions seasons 2 didn’t have Tartakovsky do an episode. It would have been great to see him tackle Star Wars again.
This is just so amazing
All that then some droid disguised as a kid hands him a bottle of poison and he just chugs it.
He had a lightsaber, tho
The animation style doesn’t do anything for me. It’s really good technically. But it feels so playful. It’s like Fisher Price toys. Star Wars always felt more gritty to me.
They did Mace Windu so dirty in the movies. He’s so OP.
Straight to the good part: https://youtu.be/mj07qh51zPI?t=192
Just needs one line dubbed in at the end: “MMmmM! This *IS* a tasty beverage!”
That looks awful lmao
Lmao i never knew this series was that goofy, the piston slam ship is just hilarious
I love how he takes time to go flex on the kid watching at the end lmao
I need a Clone Wars viewing order suggestion…
Fuck Disney. Fuck endless intellectual property rights.
Maybe an unpopular opinion but this is the sort of thing in Star Wars I don’t like.
Jedi started out as wise men, who only fought on occasion when really necessary, relying more on stealth and brains and such. They evolved over time into uber-warriors capable of taking out thousands of enemies at once.
If the original Star Wars was made in the spirit of this clip, the minute they landed on the Death Star Obi-Wan would have jumped out of the Millenium Falcon, laying waste to entire battalions of storm troopers with the wave of a hand, then flying through the Death Star dragging his light saber through the walls until it blew up.