November 14, 2023 by ludoludoludo [ad_1] Lunch break thrift find [ad_2] View Reddit by ludoludoludo – View Source
I have DBZ Budokai original in my collection. Is it not as good as this game? November 15, 2023 at 1:09 am Reply
Possibly the best 3D-based Dragon Ball fighting game. I remember the tutorial being so in-depth in what you can do. November 15, 2023 at 5:07 am Reply
Why are all these slightly uncommon games so expensive for you guys? Cheapest i found is 30€ on Ebay. Also the Black case is kinda weird. November 15, 2023 at 11:34 am Reply
Really nice find. How much you got it for?
I have DBZ Budokai original in my collection. Is it not as good as this game?
Ayo i bought that bitch for 152😂😂😂 you’re so lucky
Aah… childhood
Possibly the best 3D-based Dragon Ball fighting game. I remember the tutorial being so in-depth in what you can do.
Why are all these slightly uncommon games so expensive for you guys? Cheapest i found is 30€ on Ebay. Also the Black case is kinda weird.