Lucille Ball gets in trouble with the authorities while in Paris, during a 1956 episode of “I Love Lucy”. To translate to the cops they get a French officer who speaks German, and a German drunk who knows Spanish… so that Ricky (Desi Arnez) can tell Lucy in English.
Lucille Ball gets in trouble with the authorities while in Paris, during a 1956 episode of "I Love Lucy". To translate to the cops they get a French officer who speaks German, and a German drunk who knows Spanish… so that Ricky (Desi Arnez) can tell Lucy in English. from funny
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This is great! They reused this premise in an episode of Fraiser.
Comedy gold
This is gold.
Such a classic ♥️
Absolutely love it.
It’s funny how the French guy speaks better German than the German
I don’t think until now I understood why people thought this TV show was so goddamn funny. This is some of the cleverest shit I’ve ever seen
In a thousand years this is going to be our Rosetta Stone
It’s so refreshing to hear correct Spanish in media, I cringe so hard every time Spanish is spoken in modern media, for example, Breaking Bad, Gus Fring is supposed to be Chilean, but Giancarlo Esposito’s Spanish is strangely accented.
That really was the golden age of television.
The drunk German looks Mike Lindell the ‘My Pillow’ guy.🤣
I Love Lucy never fails to make me laugh, no matter how many times I watch it. Truly doesn’t get enough credit for still being LOL funny 70 years later! Young or old, everyone can laugh at Lucy
God, Lucy was so damn good at everything.
I’ve actually lived this! I speak English, and was learning German in Germany in college, went to Paris for a get away. Trying to get breakfast the waitress only spoke French. so another patron spoke French and German, so I gave my order in German to the other customer whom gave my order the French waitress, I got my food! Just as the food arrives my classmates sit down and realize the menu is in French and waitress only speaks French! lol
Even after all these years, I literally laughed out loud multiple times.
Millenial, but if i had to choose one show to watch on repeat forever, this would be it.
Many of the episodes of “I Love Lucy” are still hilarious and stand the test of time. I laugh at almost every episode I watch.
[big train version](https://youtu.be/rxUm-2x-2dM)
Nice post.
But I have to point out that it’s Lucy Ricardo — played by Lucille Ball — who gets in trouble.
>Lucille Ball gets in trouble with the authorities
Lucille Ball is the actress. Lucy Ricardo is the character who gets in trouble with the authorities.
where can I watch this show bc it looks like something I’d enjoy
This was some pretty good camera work and editing. I wouldn’t have expected it to be this dynamic.
Honestly laughed at loud again watching this
I love Lucy is the best sitcom show of all time. Everyone has seen [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkQ58I53mjk) in the shape or form in other shows through out the life span of television. The majority of the humor stands up to the test if time. I originally watched it on Hulu, but found out that theirs missing episodes because of copy write issues because of music. But on paramount + you can watch I believe every episode every released (Haven’t finished watching through yet) I Love Lucy is the first show to show the process of a women going through pregnancy’s. And the first show to have a Latino as a major character. This show has done so much for television its ridiculous. [Here](https://lucy-desi.com/i-love-lucy-history/fast-facts/) are just 20 facts about how much this show has done its nuts.