The jokes weren’t too bad actually. I think it’s the delivery and flaccid crowd that made this look like such a poor performance.
Edit: I just realized this is the OP. To the OP: I think you have an aptitude for comedy. It’s really brave to get up there and do this work – keep at it!
I am unclear about the judging jelly beans, then talking about your boyfriend being a jelly bean. I understand the context for each joke, they just felt slightly unrelated except for the jelly bean part.
When the big comics do these styles of jokes they usually lead from one topic to another. Like saying “Jelly beans should be judged based on their skin color. But sometimes you end up grabbing what looks like a purple (or grape) and turns out to be licorice. Similar to this I called my ex-boyfriend jelly bean. He thought I was saying sweet and tasty. What I actually meant was I thought he was grape but turned out to be licorice which meant he was disgusting and to be discarded.”
This is my personal take on the content, in no way am I trying to make OP feel less or insignificant. I enjoy the jokes, just wanted to see correlation between the initial setup and the joke.
Edit: OP you’re great. You’re doing great. Keep working hard to achieve your dreams!
Lmao heck yeah
what am I watching here
The jokes weren’t too bad actually. I think it’s the delivery and flaccid crowd that made this look like such a poor performance.
Edit: I just realized this is the OP. To the OP: I think you have an aptitude for comedy. It’s really brave to get up there and do this work – keep at it!
Glad this is in r/funny otherwise I would have never known.
That was hard to watch
This seems so genuine its not immediately funny.
I think after enough people are familiar with this comic she will be seen as funny.
Are you on the spectrum?
I am unclear about the judging jelly beans, then talking about your boyfriend being a jelly bean. I understand the context for each joke, they just felt slightly unrelated except for the jelly bean part.
When the big comics do these styles of jokes they usually lead from one topic to another. Like saying “Jelly beans should be judged based on their skin color. But sometimes you end up grabbing what looks like a purple (or grape) and turns out to be licorice. Similar to this I called my ex-boyfriend jelly bean. He thought I was saying sweet and tasty. What I actually meant was I thought he was grape but turned out to be licorice which meant he was disgusting and to be discarded.”
This is my personal take on the content, in no way am I trying to make OP feel less or insignificant. I enjoy the jokes, just wanted to see correlation between the initial setup and the joke.
Edit: OP you’re great. You’re doing great. Keep working hard to achieve your dreams!