Looks like The Day Before studio has already changed their name on steam
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Looks like The Day Before studio has already changed their name on steam
View Reddit by n7sarrs – View Source
Changing it to their approval rating will not save them… 8/100
It’s funny that people are still defending them.
Makes me wonder if someone bought the game rights and plans on trying to rehabilitate it. Seems like a fool’s errand to me, if that’s the case.
We finished 2023 gaming with a bang
The best thing about this game was the trash bag lifelike physics, which in retrospect, was kinda prophetic about what the studio would turn out to be
8 points is also the IQ of the droolers who bought The Day Before.
They’re gonna do it again, aren’t they?
Tell me you’re a scam studio without telling me you’re a scam studio.
Makes sense because I think everyone out there rates The Day Before 8 points out of 100.
Im sad i was actually excited for this game
Really mixed bag of games this year, huh. All very memorable… for their own reasons.
I don’t see this change anywhere on SteamDB
edit: Ok only one of their games changed developer names. The game is Wild Eight, which has 17 people playing right now. Its also the only game they made that isn’t self-published, and is published by Hypetrain Digital. They likely have some contract in place, so they quickly made a quick shell company called “Eight Points” so Hypetrain wouldn’t have to be associated with the fallout.
You’re missing a lot of information OP
I’ll be genuinely curious to learn how much money they walk away from this with.
Damn this is the scam that keeps scamming 👀 it keeps going where will it stop..
lmfao this is so fucking funny, they should change their real names when launching a new game
(negative) eight points out of a hundred
8 points? Is that their current steam rating, 8%?
the developers names need to be dragged through the mud imo. we need to know who they are so when we hear of them making anther release we immediately perceive the red flags.
for example when i saw sean murray promoting hello games’ next release i know to be cautious of over-promises. they redeemed their rep but i still wouldn’t ever purchase their next game day 1 or even year 1.
Coming to steam soon: The Day After
Valve will bring them down. They really don’t tolerate this BS they are trying.
oh hey guys we’re a new studio: *mrvelous*!
no.. *trrific*
uh, give us a couple of days
Ahyuck I’ll fkin do it again
We used to have heroes like John ‘TotalBiscuit’ Bain and Jim Sterling, but it seems no one will come to save us from ourselves.
Aren’t Eight Points already a developer though? They made [The Wild Eight](https://steamdb.info/app/526160/).