Friday, March 7All That Matters

Longest Mountain Coaster in Switzerland


  • Have ridden it in the dark

    The lap belts were awful …….they didn’t lock and slipped.

    We were set off at 30 second intervals and in the dark you have to balance up the probability that the person in front might be heavy on the brake …… combined with the person behind being a bit kamikaze.

    Was fun ….. but the lap belts slipping was an issue in corners where if you actually let go of the handles you’d be off and into one of the steel supports holding up the netting.

    Fun…. but safety not great for a public ride

  • I’m 49 years old, I think it’s time to make a bucket list. I think my kids would be down for a trip to Switzerland to visit this. I have been on one when I was a kid at Action Park (legendary place I got to go a few times), While taking the ski lift up you’ll see wipe outs and bloody knees/elbows on their haphazardly designed mountain coaster run by high teenagers

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