Local restaurant sign. Needs a hyphen for clarity one way or the other.
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Local restaurant sign. Needs a hyphen for clarity one way or the other.
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I’m fine with either.
Only one size?
-Regular Ass Sandwich?
I’ve been doing this for over 15 years already
What is it supposed to say?
In the current configuration, I’d say half of the people who show up each day who aren’t regulars are disappointed.
I’m a person of simple tastes, and man, I could really do with a good old Regular Ass Sandwich.
I don’t think I could eat a whole one. Can you half ass it for me?
Regular assandwich
O M G Becky…
Ass sandwich sounds great
im always down for an ass sandwich. if booty not meant to be ate, why already cut in half?
If the hyphen comes after ‘ass,’ does that mean it’s a sandwich that is made of Ass (donkey), of AN ass (some poor creature’s ass), or just tastes like ass (and made of mystery contents)?
Either a hyphen for clarity, or a colon for completeness.
I prefer irregular ass sandwiches personally.
No, no… Fine like this. 😏
Apparently OP has ass sandwiches on the regular and is confused
I’ll have mine with extra ass please
Who needs a hyphen? I love surprises!
Idiocracy continues it’s move to the non-fiction section
It’s in the same building as ***Handsome Biscuit***
I’ve scrolled all through these posts and I’m none the wiser. WTF is it supposed to mean?
Looks like the Earl fell on hard times, he’s just a regular ass now.
I might start using that as an insult
Do they serve Toss Salad, Asking for a friend
Been there (though this location is closed, they’re now across the street in the Handsome Biscuit). They have delicious regular ass sandwiches.