Local pizza place allows you to add special instructions for delivery and I always have fun with them. Today was no different.
View Reddit by h70541 – View Source
Local pizza place allows you to add special instructions for delivery and I always have fun with them. Today was no different.
View Reddit by h70541 – View Source
For real, this sort of stuff is kind of annoying. Drivers have a lot of orders they are running at once, they just want clear instructions where to leave your food so they can make time getting to the next stop.
Spoiler alert: local pizza place staff think this is extremely lame
That’s a lot of nacho cheese
I’m sure this makes minimum wage worth it to them.
Imagine thinking this is funny, then going through with it, then posting on the internet. Calling this cringe doesn’t even do this justice.
We are all now stupider for having read this.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Increasing the likelihood of getting balls rubbed on crust.
Yeah I would find this annoying AF
You order from Toppers?
1 Nacho Cheese (170 cal)
1 Nacho Cheese (170 cal)
1 Nacho Cheese (170 cal)
1 Nacho Cheese (170 cal)
1 Nacho Cheese (170 cal)
1 Nacho Cheese (170 cal)
1 Nacho Cheese (170 cal)
1 Nacho Cheese (170 cal)
1 Nacho Cheese (170 cal)
1 Nacho Cheese (170 cal)
1 Nacho Cheese (170 cal)
As a former delivery driver, I hope you tip really well.
The handy thing about things like this is that after the first few words, the staff can ignore and scan for the actual order.
I work in a ‘service’ role, and am genuinely fascinated at how many people seem to think we will find their stories funny or interesting. You have us cornered and we are just trying to earn money to pay for our bills.
You could not possibly get more laughed at than this. Lol plug this into r/roastme
Tell me you’ve never worked in food service without telling me you never worked in food service
Doubt they laughed. But sure they laughed at you
I bet they must think everytime they get your order “oh it’s this prick again who thinks he is funny” 🤦♂️
Is this funny or cringe? Reddit is so random these days, can’t tell which way it’s leaning today
Personally would not even read all that nonsense lol
What’s funny about this?
OP just thinks this is so clever and funny and is so proud of this garbage. All while being totally oblivious to how cringey and lame this really is. OP needs to get out of the house more.
This is more suited to r/cringe
Thank you for wasting that guy’s time
Ha this post isn’t turning out how you’d hoped.
I’d just be like “yeah this dude is weird”.
Any funny taste in your pizza?
As a delivery driver I can confirm that no one read this
Posting this kind of stuff was popular on Reddit like a decade ago. It was unfunny then and it’s unfunny now. I read the first few words and stopped. I can only imagine that whatever underpaid teenager whose hands it fell in to did the same.
Fucking cringe
You’re annoying
As a delivery driver… I hate stuff like this that slows down my work day.
I was pleasantly surprised most comments are roasting OP. I got embarrassed just reading that. You do you though.
As a current pizza driver, I would find this very amusing IF you tipped well. This would be downright annoying as fuck if not.
Cringe af lol
You seem like an exhausting person to be around
mmm hope you enjoyed the spit…or worse
I can’t believe that even one person thinks this cringe shit is funny.
no body got time to read that shit cringy op. lol.
Guess what, the delivery drivers fucking hate you.
is putting the calories on the bill a thing now?
I don’t need to be reminded what a fat ass I am pizza shop but thank you
Next time at least add a „thank you“ in the end.
god damn, $13.30 for a large pizza? where i live, large pizzas are like $25-$30
You can just check the leave at door box and they will 100% of the time. Once I fell asleep and it sat out there all night 🙁
Source: I too order Toppers frequently
Bruv. Absolutely no one reads this shit
Reminds me of a dad thinking he’s funny when he does stuff like this, but people just ignore it or roll their eyes at the wasted effort to be funny.
As a former delivery driver I feel I can say, don’t do this. We honestly don’t give a fuck that you “want to make the delivery fun”. It’s not fun for us to have to follow orders like a damn performing monkey.