Lmao okay then..
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Lmao okay then..
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Never negotiate with terrorist.
I’m not sure affordable insurance was part of his policy.
Imagine a broke, washed-up, sexual deviant reality tv star being the basis for your entire personality and political affiliation.
30% off your rights & liberties!
I thought they didn’t trust lizard people?
30% less rights. 30% less integrity.
Do some Americans seriously not know how much his tax policies is going to effect the rest of your lives regardless of who is in the white house for the next 40 years?
Somebody dreamed this up and actually went forward with their plan. Wow.
I’d rather save 100% of my sanity.
30% of what
30% or more of what? Only people like this would put such complete nonsense on their car like a child putting a sticker on their bike
The sad part is that people believe that nonsense
I remember when Trump made a policy that military members didn’t have to pay taxes for that tax year, but it was really deferred for the next tax year. So I had double the amount of taxes taken out of my check that next year. I appreciate that “30%” Trump.
The irony is that every time I’ve called Gieco to see how much I could “save” it ended up being 15% to 25% more expensive than what I already had.
My taxes went up by 14,000 a year because of Trump.
Gotta be the first time I’m laughing at MAGA jokes
I can see that window cling blocking view for that rather unwieldy SUV with no back up camera
Only a dumbass would think people that drive a car like a suburban would get 30% back from someone like Trump, or that Trump really even gives shit about them.
We as a nation need to agree to collectively remove trumpers from our country.
TRUMP: 4 years could save you anything but your sanity
They’re really starting to run out of propaganda outlets…
Can we vote for the gecko? He seems like a friendly chap.
30% more terrorism, 30% more unemployment, 30% more debt, 30# more race riots…
Please GEICO sue them!!!!!!!
Did they forget that his tax plan causes increases in the lower levels?

How’s that an incorrect statement?