Friday, January 17All That Matters

Little-known video footage of the first plane during its flight into the North Tower of the WTC on 9/11. As of now, only two videos are known to exist of that moment.


Little-known video footage of the first plane during its flight into the North Tower of the WTC on 9/11. As of now, only two videos are known to exist of that moment.


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  • Something about that slowdown and the noise distortion at the end sent a shiver down my spine.

    I was inside the Pentagon on 9/11 so I react kinda weird to stuff like this.

    Never seen this video before.

    **EDIT TO ADD**

    Since people asked, I came in that morning on the metro. If you don’t know, the metro runs under the Potomac River and under the Pentagon and stops at the Pentagon metro station. After security into the building, you come into a mall area with shops and barbers and places to eat. Basically you are coming up in the middle of one of those 5 long hallways on the outside ring.

    As I was walking from the metro to my office, which was in the far side of the building from where the train came in, I heard “terrorist attack” chatter. This was around 8:45ish am. So FYI, military knew it was a terrorist attack when the first building was hit. At this point, I did not know about the WTC building.

    I sat at my desk, asked if anybody had heard about a terrorist attack, nobody had so I popped up CNN on my browser. I was a software developer in very small room with too many people so when I opened up the browser, there was about half a dozen other dudes looking over my shoulder and we all looked and saw the building on fire. We all talked about “WTF!” and suddenly, refreshed the browser, and the OTHER building is on fire.

    We all freaked out. Pretty obvious America was under attack. Nothing got done, everyone was on their computer looking at different websites, calling out anything new they found, which at the time was nothing. I was a civilian working with the U.S. Army so there was a mix of military and civilians in this area. The military people were nowhere to be seen, which wasn’t uncommon. No offence, but the uniforms all had offices and they mostly hid in them. But the civilian managers were in one of the conference rooms, watching the television.

    About 9:30, it suddenly felt like someone had smacked their cupped hands over both of my ears and my ears popped. Then the place roared and a bunch of dust and shit fell out of the ceiling. If the Pentagon was a clock, the plane hit at about the 8:50 o’clock spot. 9 o’clock would be the corner opposite the river, our office was on the bottom floor at about 9:30, just around the corner.

    The lady in charge, military colonel, came tearing from the other room yelling, “EVERYBODY GET OUT OF THE BUILDING NOW!”

    So we got out. They evacuated us clockwise along the main outside ring corridore but didn’t let us out of the building until we were coming out on the parade ground side, at the 3 o’clock spot, right above where the metro had dropped me off … ONLY 45 minutes earlier. Seemed like a lifetime…

    It was blue skies, beautiful day. Except for the huge pillar of black smoke coming off the other side of the building. And I remember there being a bunch, like 50+ daybeds and playpens that had been setup under the trees because they had evacuated a huge daycare center on the ground floor.

    I lived in the district and had to walk home. So I walked from the Pentagon to the Memorial Bridge, which is the one that goes between Arlington Cemetary and the Lincoln memorial. Cut north from there though George Washington University, then up through Dupont Circle. The streets were madness. Every building evacuated, fucking fighter jets circling around the city. CHAOS.

    It took me 3 hours to even get a phone call out of the city. 2 1/2 of that just trying to get home to my apartment in Adams Morgan. You guys at home saw more than me.

    I mostly just saw the backs of peoples heads most of that day.

  • If I remember right the guy that recorded this video said he didn’t even notice the plane or the explosion he just wanted to catch a video of the towers before he entered the tunnel, it’s crazy that someone in the perfect position to see the plane hit the tower just happened to be recording and recorded for just long enough to catch the impact on video before driving forward

  • Things I will never forget where I was when I 1st saw it, the Challenger Disaster. OKC Federal Bombing & 9/11.

    Watched the Challenger blow up from the window my 7th grade history class (lived on the space coast)

    Saw The OKC Federal Building when it 1st broke the news eating a sub in a sub shop.

    We tuned into 9/11 on TV at work after someone called and told us what was going on. Watched the 2nd plane hit in real time.

    I’d say Waco as well but I can’t recall where I was because that was such a long drawn-out thing, but remember watching it burn on live tv.

  • The moment the United States changed forever and the downfall began. The terrorist just wanted to show us, the Americans, that we were never truly “safe” and they succeeded.

    Go read or listen to *Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001* it is a mind-opening experience of all our failures in Afganistan up to September 10, 2001.

  • **Here are all known recordings of the crash of AA11 into WTC1:**

    >Jules Naudet video:

    >Pavel Hlava video:

    >Wolfgang Staehle photos:

    >WNYW video of the first crash (audio mainly):

    >Ginny Carr recording of first crash (audio only):

    >Steven McArdle FBI recording of first crash (audio only):

  • I remember them cutting on the televisions in class…8th grade. I was on the east coast at the time.
    I was enraptured in a drawing and kept looking up every time the students would gasp. I watched the second plane hit on live tv. At first, it seemed like just another tragically random accident. By the time I got home from school, it was as if the entire world had changed.

  • Crazy to think just before that first plane hit, we lived in a different reality and when it hit, everything changed. Still remember being in class early in the morning in Pasadena, Cal.

  • Every September I see new footage. There has to be way more out there, but probably too difficult to release. I remember seeing college kids drinking and watching the first tower burn with them laughing and playing games, then the second plane hits and they sober up fast.

    Can only imagine the footage of the clean up. Rubble mixed with human remains. It was a tough job for the construction workers.

  • It breaks my heart everytime I think of those people on the planes and the buildings, how the world changed and they never knew about it, they never got a second to see what happened to them, what played out after I know what I’m saying doesn’t make sense, because people die all the time, it’s life but their death was caught on camera and viewed billions of times over and discussed and remembered likely forever.

    Their was children on those planes. My god. I remember being a kid and reading about this, but damn, those people were just so unlucky, such a horrible outcome. I can’t imagine what must of gone through their minds moments before.

    I realise it must of been quick, likely painless, I don’t know, but it’s so unlucky, so unfair. These people did nothing to deserve such fates. This is a reminder not of war, but of the failures of humanity as a whole.

  • The second one was way scarier. I remember watching the news and they were talking about the first plane that hit and showing video of the smoking tower live. Then a second plane just slides into fram and slams into the other tower. That was the real “oh fuck” moment for me.

  • I was outside for gym when the first one hit. I was walking to my next class when a friend told me. I didn’t believe it.

    What made realize he had to be right is every teacher was in their doorway. Every single doorway had a teacher in it, watching the kids.

    I got to my next class which was a history class and the teacher told us all to just have a seat and work on any homework we had. He stayed in the doorway through the entire period with the news on. The second plane hit while we were sitting there.

    He talked to us about what was going on, as far as he could tell. There wasn’t any angry patriotism in his voice, that all came as the weeks went on and we “found out” who did it. Originally he just calmly explained acts of war to us.

    School basically ended early that day. Parents came and picked up kids as soon as they could. I think I only remained calm because of Mister Ensley.

  • Every time a video pops up of 9-11 I post the same thing. To the younger folks who weren’t around to experience this, I can’t describe how fucking bad this day sucked.

  • An absolutely incredible piece of history from that morning is the [Howard Stern show]( They go from having a meaningless conversation about Pamela Anderson to the world they live in changing completely. It’s also crazy to hear what rumors were already being spread, how there kept being reports of other explosions and bomb threats that we now know weren’t true.

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