Lisa and Louise Burns posing outside the wardrobe department right before filming their iconic Shining hallway scene. [1979]
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Lisa and Louise Burns posing outside the wardrobe department right before filming their iconic Shining hallway scene. [1979]
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Evn a couple of cute little girls can scare the bejesus out of you in the proper context.
Ply with us Danny.
Come play with us Danny… forever.
Horrifyingly cute.
My first thought was ‘whoah…cosplay on pint here’, then I relaized they are the real thing.
Note: the sister who looks like she’s about to strangle is already in character.
Their smiles are so cute. Gives them an entirely different look. I wonder if they knew they were making a horror film?
Sooooo they’re Mr.Burns’ daughters?
These guys are absolutely lovely. One is a teacher now that works with my mum. They’ll sign/record messages together for anyone’s bday 😄
Y’know, I was always confused about The Shining Twins because they didn’t look *that* much alike, but this picture shows that they definitely had way more of a resemblance to one another!
I mean, obviously they were twins and looked similar, but the eerieness of them is supposed to be that they are identical, practically a hivemind. Now I’m thinking that the movie crew must’ve just flubbed their appearance. If they had made sure that their hair laid the same, given one twin half an inch insoles to match exact height or played with perspective, actually made sure that the dresses were the same length, gotten the lighting to match on their faces, I think it would’ve been way more effective. I always assumed that they were just fraternal twins and the crew did what they could to make them as close in appearance as possible, but this pic shows that it was definitely not the twins’ being the culprit here. Just a curious observation.
Is there a picture of them now? I’d love to see it.
Just realized that the dresses are probably designed to be the ones their characters were buried in. Eeesh.
They actually seem pretty nice.
Thanks for scaring the bejesus outa an entire generation ladies.
Pic just scared the hell out of me again
They’re creepy looking even when not in the movie
Aww they are so cute 🥰 *double boops*
So cute, it’s scary.
I worked with Louise 1996 – 97, at the IT department of a London hospital. One of the help desk guys found out about her movie role and sat on that knowledge for weeks. Then one day she said something like “I gotta go now” and he said “you can’t leave, we’re gonna keep you here – for ever, and ever, and ever”.
Phew thank God they are alive and well.
“Hello Danny come play with us”
Well, see now *here* they’re cute. I would not have been scared of these kids. If these kids invited me to play with them it would involve jumping on our bikes to see what the kids down the block were doing, then having continued Odyssey like kid ventures until the street lights came on and we’d all go home to have dinner, watch Diff’rent Strokes, then go to bed.
So to everyone seeing them on their way to the set, they’re just some twins dressed the same, no contexts
Am I the only one who thinks they look like little men dressed as girls?
And two girls in cute dresses has been creepy as hell ever since.
Still creepy in 2022