I just love when I do this but they don’t have the method of paying prepared and it takes forever to find it. For some people it’s always a surprise that they have to pay when buying something.
This reminds me of the time I was walking into a busy downtown counter-service restaurant. I politely held the door open for the person coming in behind me but didn’t realize they were the first person of a group of 20 people who all proceeded to allow me to hold the door for them too.
The end result was I ended up in line behind 20 people who I arrived ahead of.
This rule also applies to letting cars out at a busy junction. First one is more than welcome but a second one can burn in the fiery pits of hell before I’ll let them out.
Slightly off context but I was in line with like 25-30 items one time and the lane next to us opened up and it was the 12 items or less line. Lady behind me (with a large cart of items) says “hey you can go to that lane!”…..I say “I have too many items” and she’s like “oh they don’t care about that….you should go.” and she keeps on trying to convince me.
I’m like who the hell are you lady haha. At this point I just turned around and ignored her. It was so awkward I didn’t know what else to do so I just clammed up and waited my turn.
Like I’m not an NPC character in your life lady. I’m not just here to make your day more efficient by being the guy with a ton of items at the 12 items or less line. I know if I move over there immediately someone with 2 items would show up behind me and now I’m the asshole.
Anyone flying out of Pearson Toronto Canada will see these people. People butting over 2 thousand people in the customs line because they’ll miss their flight. Meanwhile a good percentage of those in line have missed their flight already. They always get sent back but everyone tries it as if their situation is more important than everyone else’s. it’s still the airports fault
Related etiquette: it’s okay to let someone who was in line behind you to go ahead of you, but its not okay to let someone enter the line in front of you when there are other people waiting in line behind you.
Last night I let some 70ish year old lady with only one item go ahead of me. She proceeded to then argue with the checkout lady, a second checkout lady, and the manager about the price of the single item for about 20 minutes. I made the wrong choice and it’ll never happen again. Fuck you and your one item.
I was in a grocery store that always has long lines for the cashier.
A women with 1 or 2 items (not behind me in line, not even in the line yet) asks if she can go ahead of me and I say no (I was in a rush). She gets very offended. Then the woman in front of me says that the woman can bud in front of her. Fairly frustrating.
Reminds me of a time I tried to help a customer with a price adjustment. This was many years before COVID so then it was just toilet paper, but the customer was absolutely devesated she had missed a sale so I manually adjusted it. Of course, all the nosy bastards after her in line wanted the discount too.
Like 6 people saved a dollar on toilet paper that day, and I got written up. Wherever they are, I hope they are miserable.
Can we all make an effort as a society to be more efficient when in public. Be ready to pay for something. Get your wallet out when you’re next up, have your card or cash ready to go. Life isn’t as hard as it’s made out to be!
And then the person you just let pass has two gift cards, three coupons, one refund, and wants to split the rest over two credit cards, can’t remember the pin for the one of the credit cards, looks for it in the phone, then has to call someone and ask for the pin, the second person doesn’t know either, then return the item, bitch about the now-invalidated coupons and demand a manager.
Got stuck behind someone at the craft store once returning a teeny tiny $5 roll of ribbon. There was s lot of hassle for some reason, like idk maybe she didn’t have the original card she used anymore or something. She was very unhappy. She kept looking at all us in line behind her and voicing her complaints like “You hear that people? I have to show my ID for a stinking $5 roll of ribbon. How dumb is that.” But like, Lady? Don’t expect us to be outraged for you? If it’s ‘just’ $5 then why tf are you returning it. This couldn’t have waited til after the Christmas rush? Are you *really* not going to use it for anything? It’s 5 bucks. *I’ll* give you 5 bucks. GTFO out of this long ass line!
Once, when I was working at Target, the check lanes were backed up, so I opened a new lane.
Person A comes over and sets her item on the conveyor.
I’m about to start scanning when Person B comes over and asks if she can go ahead of Person A since Person B only has one item (please recall, Person A also only had one item)
Person A says no.
Person B then says she’s going anyway. She puts her item down on the conveyor and physically moves Person A’s item back.
Person A then tries moving her item back by lifting up both items, placing B’s down farther back. But, since the conveyor moves automatically when there’s nothing there, B’s item moves to the front while Person A is trying to set her item down.
This struggle has lasted about 20 seconds. I’m trying to help them, but they’re not letting me get a word in.
Then the checklane manager (the GSTL) swoops in, grabs B’s item and checks her out on a different lane.
I had this yesterday, but the woman didn’t ask – when I met the lady behind me go first (who was holding things in her arms), the next lady huffed really loudly & then asked the cashier is anyone could open another till as she was in a rush. She had about 12 items, so I didn’t offer. I had a small shopping trolley & dog foo, & tbh if she’d have asked nicely, I’d have let her!!
Side story, I let a guy in front about a month ago & he said “thank you so much, I’ve had a really hard day at work today! I just can’t wait to get home” he was so sincere my soppy ass had to stop myself from crying lol
Similar to letting a car out of a parking lot while you are stopped at a light or stop sign.
I’ll always let one go but when 2 or more people try coming out it drives me nuts
This reminds me of something that happened yesterday, I was waiting in line to fill my prescription, the guy in front of my at the counter was already taking forever. A second guy walks over and asks me if he can stand to my left in the little pharmacy waiting area where people usually wait for flu shots and stuff and he assured me “I’m not in line,” so I said “sure man, whatever, you can stand where ever you want.” Herein apparently was my mistake because the next pharmacist person (who happen to not see this debacle) calls the next person up to the window and this fucking guy CUTS ME IN LINE and proceeds to take way too long filling his stupid prescription all the while I’m STILL STANDING THERE, CLEARLY IN LINE. Man fuck that guy
I’ve experienced this in cars. Red light with a junction to mcdonald before the red light. There’s extra room but I politly stop to not block the junction and I let someone leave mcdonalds who turn and pull in behind the red light.
While I’m waiting another mcdonalds person turns that corner but can’t make it so they are half round the corner so I’ll have to let them finish the pull out when the light turns green.
Light turns green, I’ve let 2 people out already and oncming traffic turns to cross lanes into mcdonalds and blocks my lane to the green light. Proceed to see mcdonalds leavers just turning out and going through the lights.
Eventually it turns red and my oncoming traffic person can finally enter mcdonalds freeing up my lane and someone rushes out of mcdonalds as I’m driving forward filling up the space which leaves me in the center of the junction where I can get fined. Oncoming traffic now beeps three horn at me for blocking the junction and assumes I’m just some inconsiderate person. Oncoming traffic is now in a standstill because the people after the lights can’t make it to where the oncoming traffic person who is beeping their horn is at.
Mcdonalds person probably assumes I’m some asshole who won’t even let 1 person out but I’ve let like 10 of yous out at this point.
So now I’m just that asshole who accelerates to the light to block the mcdonalds people from coming out. Too many times an act of kindness just screws you up.
It’s like how badly parked people force you to park badly, they leave and now everyone assumes you are the idiot who can’t park.
Moral of the story is you can have an act of kindness but 1 person who takes advantage of it makes you never want to do it again. It’s even worse if you let them out and then they feel obligated to keep letting other people out so you completely regret letting them out.
A friend of mine that worked at a grocery store for a few years told me that the age of people in line is more indicative of how long a line will take than their number of items. He said that younger people are more likely to just take their stuff and go, without much thought about the price of individual items, while older people are more likely to haggle or bust out the coupons.
I have decided at long last and after many experiences and observations, that I will most certainly not let an elderly person in front of me. Anybody in desperate enough circumstances that requests it, okay; but old people can wait their turn, one item or not. My logic:
1. Elderly people are most likely retired and therefore, not having to get to/from work or lunch breaks; there’s simply less urgency for them.
2. This will most certainly backfire on me, as the elder will be the one to argue about prices/coupons, what they have in stock and used to carry, complain about every petty thing imaginable, move slowly, waste the time of everybody behind them, and finish it all by slowly counting out their change, then taking a minute to organize their wallet, stop short just as they’re about to leave and ask the cashier why they can’t find their receipt, just to put a cherry on the cake of my day.
3. Chances are that standing in line and chatting with the other customers/cashier are the highlights of that elderly person’s day. Why rob them of that?
Yes, I am a bad person and this is an unpopular opinion.
No good deed goes unpunished.
I just love when I do this but they don’t have the method of paying prepared and it takes forever to find it. For some people it’s always a surprise that they have to pay when buying something.
This reminds me of the time I was walking into a busy downtown counter-service restaurant. I politely held the door open for the person coming in behind me but didn’t realize they were the first person of a group of 20 people who all proceeded to allow me to hold the door for them too.
The end result was I ended up in line behind 20 people who I arrived ahead of.
Sorry I only brought one fuck to give and I’ve already given it out.
Ill give, you shan’t ask. The moment you ask, the chance become a 100% No
(Im not sure if word im using is correct)
I mean, the first person said they were running late. Second guy is just trying to take advantage. Screw him.
The established functional order was comprised. Chaos is now inevitable.
Common courtesy 1:10: thou shalt not expect to be allowed to pass someone in line after they allowed someone else through.
This rule also applies to letting cars out at a busy junction. First one is more than welcome but a second one can burn in the fiery pits of hell before I’ll let them out.
YOLO = you only let one
Slightly off context but I was in line with like 25-30 items one time and the lane next to us opened up and it was the 12 items or less line. Lady behind me (with a large cart of items) says “hey you can go to that lane!”…..I say “I have too many items” and she’s like “oh they don’t care about that….you should go.” and she keeps on trying to convince me.
I’m like who the hell are you lady haha. At this point I just turned around and ignored her. It was so awkward I didn’t know what else to do so I just clammed up and waited my turn.
Like I’m not an NPC character in your life lady. I’m not just here to make your day more efficient by being the guy with a ton of items at the 12 items or less line. I know if I move over there immediately someone with 2 items would show up behind me and now I’m the asshole.
Anyone flying out of Pearson Toronto Canada will see these people. People butting over 2 thousand people in the customs line because they’ll miss their flight. Meanwhile a good percentage of those in line have missed their flight already. They always get sent back but everyone tries it as if their situation is more important than everyone else’s. it’s still the airports fault
Being line skipped by 1 item is ok.
1 = 1
1 + 1 ≠ 1
Related etiquette: it’s okay to let someone who was in line behind you to go ahead of you, but its not okay to let someone enter the line in front of you when there are other people waiting in line behind you.
Last night I let some 70ish year old lady with only one item go ahead of me. She proceeded to then argue with the checkout lady, a second checkout lady, and the manager about the price of the single item for about 20 minutes. I made the wrong choice and it’ll never happen again. Fuck you and your one item.
It’s one thing to be offered.
It’s another to ask.
Both individuals could know of his kindness but only one knew how to coax it out of him. The other just assumed the kindness was rated E for everyone.
I was in a grocery store that always has long lines for the cashier.
A women with 1 or 2 items (not behind me in line, not even in the line yet) asks if she can go ahead of me and I say no (I was in a rush). She gets very offended. Then the woman in front of me says that the woman can bud in front of her. Fairly frustrating.
You’re not entitled to cut.
If someone wishes to extend the offer that’s a kindness not to be taken for granted
Reminds me of a time I tried to help a customer with a price adjustment. This was many years before COVID so then it was just toilet paper, but the customer was absolutely devesated she had missed a sale so I manually adjusted it. Of course, all the nosy bastards after her in line wanted the discount too.
Like 6 people saved a dollar on toilet paper that day, and I got written up. Wherever they are, I hope they are miserable.
Can we all make an effort as a society to be more efficient when in public. Be ready to pay for something. Get your wallet out when you’re next up, have your card or cash ready to go. Life isn’t as hard as it’s made out to be!
And then the person you just let pass has two gift cards, three coupons, one refund, and wants to split the rest over two credit cards, can’t remember the pin for the one of the credit cards, looks for it in the phone, then has to call someone and ask for the pin, the second person doesn’t know either, then return the item, bitch about the now-invalidated coupons and demand a manager.
Got stuck behind someone at the craft store once returning a teeny tiny $5 roll of ribbon. There was s lot of hassle for some reason, like idk maybe she didn’t have the original card she used anymore or something. She was very unhappy. She kept looking at all us in line behind her and voicing her complaints like “You hear that people? I have to show my ID for a stinking $5 roll of ribbon. How dumb is that.” But like, Lady? Don’t expect us to be outraged for you? If it’s ‘just’ $5 then why tf are you returning it. This couldn’t have waited til after the Christmas rush? Are you *really* not going to use it for anything? It’s 5 bucks. *I’ll* give you 5 bucks. GTFO out of this long ass line!
Once, when I was working at Target, the check lanes were backed up, so I opened a new lane.
Person A comes over and sets her item on the conveyor.
I’m about to start scanning when Person B comes over and asks if she can go ahead of Person A since Person B only has one item (please recall, Person A also only had one item)
Person A says no.
Person B then says she’s going anyway. She puts her item down on the conveyor and physically moves Person A’s item back.
Person A then tries moving her item back by lifting up both items, placing B’s down farther back. But, since the conveyor moves automatically when there’s nothing there, B’s item moves to the front while Person A is trying to set her item down.
This struggle has lasted about 20 seconds. I’m trying to help them, but they’re not letting me get a word in.
Then the checklane manager (the GSTL) swoops in, grabs B’s item and checks her out on a different lane.
I had this yesterday, but the woman didn’t ask – when I met the lady behind me go first (who was holding things in her arms), the next lady huffed really loudly & then asked the cashier is anyone could open another till as she was in a rush. She had about 12 items, so I didn’t offer. I had a small shopping trolley & dog foo, & tbh if she’d have asked nicely, I’d have let her!!
Side story, I let a guy in front about a month ago & he said “thank you so much, I’ve had a really hard day at work today! I just can’t wait to get home” he was so sincere my soppy ass had to stop myself from crying lol
Similar to letting a car out of a parking lot while you are stopped at a light or stop sign.
I’ll always let one go but when 2 or more people try coming out it drives me nuts
This reminds me of something that happened yesterday, I was waiting in line to fill my prescription, the guy in front of my at the counter was already taking forever. A second guy walks over and asks me if he can stand to my left in the little pharmacy waiting area where people usually wait for flu shots and stuff and he assured me “I’m not in line,” so I said “sure man, whatever, you can stand where ever you want.” Herein apparently was my mistake because the next pharmacist person (who happen to not see this debacle) calls the next person up to the window and this fucking guy CUTS ME IN LINE and proceeds to take way too long filling his stupid prescription all the while I’m STILL STANDING THERE, CLEARLY IN LINE. Man fuck that guy
I’ve experienced this in cars. Red light with a junction to mcdonald before the red light. There’s extra room but I politly stop to not block the junction and I let someone leave mcdonalds who turn and pull in behind the red light.
While I’m waiting another mcdonalds person turns that corner but can’t make it so they are half round the corner so I’ll have to let them finish the pull out when the light turns green.
Light turns green, I’ve let 2 people out already and oncming traffic turns to cross lanes into mcdonalds and blocks my lane to the green light. Proceed to see mcdonalds leavers just turning out and going through the lights.
Eventually it turns red and my oncoming traffic person can finally enter mcdonalds freeing up my lane and someone rushes out of mcdonalds as I’m driving forward filling up the space which leaves me in the center of the junction where I can get fined. Oncoming traffic now beeps three horn at me for blocking the junction and assumes I’m just some inconsiderate person. Oncoming traffic is now in a standstill because the people after the lights can’t make it to where the oncoming traffic person who is beeping their horn is at.
Mcdonalds person probably assumes I’m some asshole who won’t even let 1 person out but I’ve let like 10 of yous out at this point.
So now I’m just that asshole who accelerates to the light to block the mcdonalds people from coming out. Too many times an act of kindness just screws you up.
It’s like how badly parked people force you to park badly, they leave and now everyone assumes you are the idiot who can’t park.
Moral of the story is you can have an act of kindness but 1 person who takes advantage of it makes you never want to do it again. It’s even worse if you let them out and then they feel obligated to keep letting other people out so you completely regret letting them out.
A friend of mine that worked at a grocery store for a few years told me that the age of people in line is more indicative of how long a line will take than their number of items. He said that younger people are more likely to just take their stuff and go, without much thought about the price of individual items, while older people are more likely to haggle or bust out the coupons.
I have decided at long last and after many experiences and observations, that I will most certainly not let an elderly person in front of me. Anybody in desperate enough circumstances that requests it, okay; but old people can wait their turn, one item or not. My logic:
1. Elderly people are most likely retired and therefore, not having to get to/from work or lunch breaks; there’s simply less urgency for them.
2. This will most certainly backfire on me, as the elder will be the one to argue about prices/coupons, what they have in stock and used to carry, complain about every petty thing imaginable, move slowly, waste the time of everybody behind them, and finish it all by slowly counting out their change, then taking a minute to organize their wallet, stop short just as they’re about to leave and ask the cashier why they can’t find their receipt, just to put a cherry on the cake of my day.
3. Chances are that standing in line and chatting with the other customers/cashier are the highlights of that elderly person’s day. Why rob them of that?
Yes, I am a bad person and this is an unpopular opinion.