Silent Hill, Jack and Dexter, God of War, Devil May Cry, Prince of Persia, ICO, Lord of the Rings, Okami, Grand Theft Auto Vice City, Final Fantasy X, Katamari, Ratchet and Crank, Dark Cloud, cannot tell if that’s Metal Gear Solid or not. That’s all I can name with confidence.
I love these kinda posts, though wish the image was higher resolution. As someone else already said, undoubtedly best console ever. It is the only console I got twice. Once as a kid, and another during college towards end of generation.
Back to post, ones I can identify and played [starting from top left, working down]
Katamari Damancy
Bully ?
??? [dudes with guns in water]
Prince of Persia
Jakk and Daxter
FFX [Yuna dance]
God of War
??? [girl in red?]
Ratchet and Clank
??? [Tenchu?]
??? [red scarf, Disgaea?]
Lord of the Rings [can’t recall exact game, movie games?]
Here you can find the artists profile and some other of their works, including high resolution versions of the image OP posted:
Man, I don’t really know any of these games but I can relate greatly!
Such nostalgic game in full display like God of War and Jak and Daxter to name a few
You lived inside a PS2?!?!
Need for speed underground 2, tony hawks underground 2 and GTA San andras, the 3 must have titles.
The best console ever and that’s not even up for discussion.
PS2 is my favorite system ever. Also I see the LOTR games pictured, had forgotten about them but man ROTK and Two Towers were awesome.
Silent Hill, Jack and Dexter, God of War, Devil May Cry, Prince of Persia, ICO, Lord of the Rings, Okami, Grand Theft Auto Vice City, Final Fantasy X, Katamari, Ratchet and Crank, Dark Cloud, cannot tell if that’s Metal Gear Solid or not. That’s all I can name with confidence.
I don’t see Ape Escape…. Very angry
I love these kinda posts, though wish the image was higher resolution. As someone else already said, undoubtedly best console ever. It is the only console I got twice. Once as a kid, and another during college towards end of generation.
Back to post, ones I can identify and played [starting from top left, working down]
Katamari Damancy
Bully ?
??? [dudes with guns in water]
Prince of Persia
Jakk and Daxter
FFX [Yuna dance]
God of War
??? [girl in red?]
Ratchet and Clank
??? [Tenchu?]
??? [red scarf, Disgaea?]
Lord of the Rings [can’t recall exact game, movie games?]
Devil May Cry
Silent Hill 2
hey katamari damacy is there 😀
06? Wow.. and people bitch that the Switch is ‘too old’ at 5 years.
Here you can find the artists profile and some other of their works, including high resolution versions of the image OP posted:
Holy shit an Ico reference. That was such a gem of a game.
Is that the Return of the King? I upvote.
Dark Cloud was a strange animal. It was hard but I loved it, despite not really knowing what I was doing.
Zoomed in to find Kratos, was not disappointed 🙂
So many franchises and games I missed out on and are now damn near impossible to play reliably.
I wish I grew up with more game systems cause the best if gaming days are long gone and I missed out on most of it.
Where’s the airport at ama bomb it
I like the Final Fantasy 11 reference on the hard drive because you had to have one to play that game.
Live in your world play in ours
I remember playing a lot the Sega Saturn Sonic games im the PS2.
Some of you grew up with good games.
I grew up with Sonic R, Digimon World 4, Dragon Ball AF and a black and white copy of Budokai Tenkaichi 3.
Good times.