Idk.. redditors back in the day where pretty hard-core Elon Cultists.. just saying.. I mean I glad people wise up. Now redditors are obsessed with Keanu Reeves and Brendon Fraser. I’m not hating just find it funnier how redditors turn on their cult leaders 😆
I love how everyone used to love elon because of electric cars, and when he bought twitter and allowed people to express their opinions – a basic human right- people started to hate him. Tells you a lot about who the fascists are
Is that a Toyota?
Because they live in Texas? Ya, you’re right 🤭
No blue check?
Is Ellen Musk a new fragrance from Ms. DeGeneres?
Someone on Reddit saying someone else is in a cult is fucking hilarious.
Ha! I saw this car over the weekend.
I will never buy from a fascist corporations – I’m placing country above fascist companies!
Ok but aside from the license plate, that photo looks really nice.
I heard that Tesla’s don’t have that “new car” smell – instead they have an Elon Musk
Is that a 3 a Y or an x? They all look the same.
I used to want a Tesla but Elon’s craziness has really turned me off the brand.
Idk.. redditors back in the day where pretty hard-core Elon Cultists.. just saying.. I mean I glad people wise up. Now redditors are obsessed with Keanu Reeves and Brendon Fraser. I’m not hating just find it funnier how redditors turn on their cult leaders 😆
Elon loves you too Chet
I think he misspelled Elmer’s glue
When the red necks start buying cyber trucks I’m moving bro
Plot twist: driver just got laid off.
Who is Ellen Musk?
Yeah the electric car weirdos really think they’re going to save the world.
Imagine putting a another mans name as your plate
First step towards S America and Cool Aid
another brittle muskovite
How embarrassing
Just one more level and he gets the [Hair Plugs] Cosmetic
Electric car in Texas. Just plain wrong.
This is Elon’s cousin, Ellen Musk
I love how everyone used to love elon because of electric cars, and when he bought twitter and allowed people to express their opinions – a basic human right- people started to hate him. Tells you a lot about who the fascists are
… And that was the day Ellen decided she had to change her plates…
That’s just sad
Cultists, Bootlicker, fluffer it’s all the same
Not if Elon himself is driving it
This is basically plate squatting
So embarrassing! there’s some clown in my city with an ELON4LF plate and it’s so cringe.
Who’s Ellen Musk?
“Would you say I’m a level 7 susceptible?”
“anyone who likes something I don’t is in a cult”
Idk, I feel like reddit is more obsessed with Elon than this guy .
No check mark next to the name?