This was from a series taken in New York on May 3, 1988, when Les Paul himself presented Paul with a custom-made left-handed version of his Gibson “Les Paul” guitar.
There were several photos taken at this time, including several with his promotion team and Linda McCartney in the rear of the shot. Several are in color, showing Les with a dark bkue jacket, white turtleneck sweater. Paul is wearing a teal/green shirt, suspenders and dark pants. The guitar itself is black, with white trim.
20 years ago I managed a branch bank. My branch had very large safe deposit boxes. It was a wealthy area. A customer asked if he could use my office. He was selling his guitar. I said sure. He also asked how wire transfers worked. I explained. A few weeks later he comes in and meets this fellow and they get out a les Paul guitar. Seems my client got it as a kid, and most of its life was in its case. The guy who bought it was kind of eccentric. He plugged it in and played it a bit. Guy was good. Said he had one like it but not near as good and was going to sell his and buy my clients. Anyway, I had no clue what it was worth until the wire transfer was arranged. Over $250,000!!! I about shit. Said this was one of the best there was. Fun day at the bank that day!!!
Nice to see Sir Paul playing a left handed guitar. When he plays right handed ones upside down I always worry that his forearm is messing with the volume and tone knobs.
Absolute genius. The Les Paul/Mary Ford stuff is of it’s time and completely out of it simultaneously: Mary Ford and the compositions are very 50’s/early 60’s vocal pop, while Les Paul is in the back shredding the guitar. Sometimes he used production techniques that made his guitar sound otherworldly, almost synth-like.
We need less Pauls here
Best headline ever.
Why would Paul need a six-string guitar? He plays bass.
We need less Paul and more Cowbell!
This was from a series taken in New York on May 3, 1988, when Les Paul himself presented Paul with a custom-made left-handed version of his Gibson “Les Paul” guitar.
There were several photos taken at this time, including several with his promotion team and Linda McCartney in the rear of the shot. Several are in color, showing Les with a dark bkue jacket, white turtleneck sweater. Paul is wearing a teal/green shirt, suspenders and dark pants. The guitar itself is black, with white trim.
So that’s one more Paul
20 years ago I managed a branch bank. My branch had very large safe deposit boxes. It was a wealthy area. A customer asked if he could use my office. He was selling his guitar. I said sure. He also asked how wire transfers worked. I explained. A few weeks later he comes in and meets this fellow and they get out a les Paul guitar. Seems my client got it as a kid, and most of its life was in its case. The guy who bought it was kind of eccentric. He plugged it in and played it a bit. Guy was good. Said he had one like it but not near as good and was going to sell his and buy my clients. Anyway, I had no clue what it was worth until the wire transfer was arranged. Over $250,000!!! I about shit. Said this was one of the best there was. Fun day at the bank that day!!!
Stop that.
Title alone was worth the price of admission. Have my damn upvote.
Photo of two guys made famous by an instrument neither can play.
By adding Les Paul to Paul we ended up with more Paul.
I’d say this must be later that 1988, by Paul’s face
Nice to see Sir Paul playing a left handed guitar. When he plays right handed ones upside down I always worry that his forearm is messing with the volume and tone knobs.
I think I just had a stroke reading that lol
An exacting eye.
As featured in Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog
There’s less Leses in that sentence than Pauls
This is great!
Needs more Paul.
For Pete’s sake…
The French call this ‘les Pauls’
One year before mine was born.
So like… tres-paul
Absolute genius. The Les Paul/Mary Ford stuff is of it’s time and completely out of it simultaneously: Mary Ford and the compositions are very 50’s/early 60’s vocal pop, while Les Paul is in the back shredding the guitar. Sometimes he used production techniques that made his guitar sound otherworldly, almost synth-like.
I am high and this sentence is trying me
I feel like this should be reposted on Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog
That’s not Paul, it’s Faul.
To think, it could have been Paul and Les Paul with Les Paul’s Les Paul.
He looks at it like “Did you ruin it already?”