Legend Of Zelda – A Link To The Past released in Europe 30 years ago today.
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Legend Of Zelda – A Link To The Past released in Europe 30 years ago today.
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My all time fav game 🙂
Ha! I’m wearing my Link to the Past shirt right now.
I started gaming about 10 years before this, but this is the game that got me to LOVE video games. 40 years later and I still play all sorts of games thanks to this amazing game
It’s the best Zelda.
Easily my favourite Zelda. 💚
Hyrule Castle theme.
If anyone doesn’t know, there’s an awesome randomizer for this game. It places all the games items in random locations forcing you to play through the game in a different order than normal (although it is always beatable, if you set it to be). There’s a bunch of crazy settings but the default will still have you playing the classic game in a totally different way.
Check out r/alttpr for more info.
Now I really feel old. My brother and our friend played the heck out of this game.
Still the best
I really want a remake of this with similar graphics to Link’s Awakening on the Switch.
30 years ago… oh boy I have fond memories of it as a kid… I feel so old now
I like an honest person. I will give you something better in return.
It still feals like it came out today
I remember playing it for an hour and then getting lost and dying multiple times lol. Never really cared for Zelda games after that
Best Zelda ever.
This and Super Mario World , first games I ever owned
I like the Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past
30 (!) year old game which no modern indie/aaa can’t beat. Truly masterpiece
What system was it on and what’s the best emulator for it? Now I feel like playing it lol
Totally love this game. In the pandemic i learned to speedrun the game and now i can finish it under 2 hours.
Sometimes I just boot it up. Do a Lil run and be done again. Its such a little satisfying game
Walking as a pink bunny.
This game has a special place in my heart.
And I’m in the middle of beating it for about the 700th time.