Larry King as the voice of geoff peterson the robot from the late late show with craig ferguson, Craig himself said he often watches the video on youtube because its one of his favorite moments from his run.
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Easily one of the best episodes. Larry rambles about sugar, diabetes, when he was a ‘regular Jew, walking the streets.’
I miss this show.
God I wish I had watched this show when it was on.
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If MTV can operate with one show or no shows (I don’t even know any more), why doesn’t someone run Craig’s full-length shows back to back over its whole run. I would never leave that channel.
You know I was around watching late late night tv during this time… and I was exclusively a Conan fan. It seems I missed a lot of good stuff! Time to hit YouTube and see what I missed. All the clips I’ve ever seen of Craig were fucking hilarious. But so was Conan… what a time for late late night tv!
Liam Neeson ordering egg salad was also hysterical. Miss this show so much
Craig was and is amazing, but the combo of him and Josh Robert Thompson (Geoff Peterson) was just the best. I’ve seen Craig do comedy sets since and though I love his blend of quick wit and heartfelt wisdom, the two of them built an entire world of comedy from scratch every night.
Larry king could be really funny
Petition to bring Craig Ferguson back!!
I miss this show so much.
Jesus Christ, OP, proofread your title next time.
Craig Ferguson was the best late night host ever, and I’m counting Johnny Carson in that.
Why is this showing up on the “news” tab?
Oh man, what good chemistry these two had! That’s something you can’t teach or train for, you either have it with your scene partner or you don’t.
That robot was built by the late Grant Imahara from Mythbusters
“When I was a normal Jew walking the streets, not a robot”
This is just peak late-night for me. God, I miss Ferguson doing this show.
He has the body of Larry King, for sure.
Is that code?
[I still think this is my favorite moment from that show](https://youtu.be/qAHSUTB5BJc)
Found out about Craig over a year ago and its amazing he’s resurfacing again. Larry King Geoff was one of the funniest episodes ever and made me appreciate Larry King as a great comedian. Love how more people are remembering Craig and I hope this hypes up his return to late night one day
aaah.. life was so much simpler then.
Best late night show. No oversight, just a guy, his robot and his pals. I really liked when Kristen Bell would show up, usually just to hang out and riff together.
I’m sure he watches for the hot actresses like i would.
Holy shit that’s funny. Larry king killed it lol
I was cracking up the whole time. God damn that show was funny.
I’ve never seen this before and holy christ that was funny