Larry knows. Larry did his research. You have a giant vat of money that Scrooge McDuck swims in. It has a diving board and everything. Then you have Launchpad McQuack on standby with his plane 24/7 son.
> “Oh my goodness. What a strange time. First of all, rest in peace, Larry. When that first happened, I was so confused because everyone was like, ‘You’re trending,’ and I was like, ‘What did I do?’””
> “Now people send me pictures of them in T-shirts that say, ‘Larry, I’m on DuckTales.’ It’s so random. It’s so weird. But in this time that we’ve been in, it’s just a nice surprise to be able to provide joy to people remotely in that way. So I’m happy.”
Danny Pudi talking about this last year. What a guy.
It seems there is a gigantic trend of using the punchline to title short humorous videos like this. There is no surprise. I guess it’s better than “Watch Til The End.”
King’s description of socks in this always throws me for a loop. “Your socks that you put in your shoes”. Like, who thinks of socks that way? As some kind of shoe insert? Socks go on your feet, then you may, or may not, depending on the situation, put those feet, with the socks on them, into shoes, but the socks never, on their own, go in your shoes.
I worked at a nice airport hotel (the hotel was nice, the airport… meh), and we would get families that stay before their early flights the next morning.
I was talking to the father of such a family and he says they’re going to Turks and Caicos. I say something like, “oh, wow! You must be so excited!” It was a fucked up winter and being on a warm beach spoke to me.
He says, “yeeeeaaah, it will be. It will. But getting everything figured out, ya know, the flights, the driver, work stuff, but even the little stuff – like, who’s gonna feed the horse?” He said it like I’d been in the same situation before.
I’ve always wondered what someone at that celebrity tier earns. Just the mid-tier, ensemble cast television actor, on a fairly popular network or cable show. What’s their life like? It’s not like they’re the Rock or Robert Downey Jr pulling down tens of millions of dollars per project. But what does a season of *Ducktales* or *NCIS* or *Ozark* pay?
Even with the punchline as the title, it’s still very funny.
I will never not upvote this video.
Larry obviously doesn’t know how much high-end running socks cost
Also the disconnect thinking good coffee and food socks are not a luxury…
Yes you can get coffee almost everywhere.. but having good coffee that is perfectly trailered to your taste, that really is a luxury…
Larry knows. Larry did his research. You have a giant vat of money that Scrooge McDuck swims in. It has a diving board and everything. Then you have Launchpad McQuack on standby with his plane 24/7 son.
> “Oh my goodness. What a strange time. First of all, rest in peace, Larry. When that first happened, I was so confused because everyone was like, ‘You’re trending,’ and I was like, ‘What did I do?’””
> “Now people send me pictures of them in T-shirts that say, ‘Larry, I’m on DuckTales.’ It’s so random. It’s so weird. But in this time that we’ve been in, it’s just a nice surprise to be able to provide joy to people remotely in that way. So I’m happy.”
Danny Pudi talking about this last year. What a guy.
When the partner at your accounting firm asks if you’re into golf / racing your car at the track / some other expensive hobby.
“Larry, I’m a staff auditor.”
Any runner can tell you good running socks are absolutely amazing.
Full video [](
Danny’s reaction to becoming a meme [](
It seems there is a gigantic trend of using the punchline to title short humorous videos like this. There is no surprise. I guess it’s better than “Watch Til The End.”
King’s description of socks in this always throws me for a loop. “Your socks that you put in your shoes”. Like, who thinks of socks that way? As some kind of shoe insert? Socks go on your feet, then you may, or may not, depending on the situation, put those feet, with the socks on them, into shoes, but the socks never, on their own, go in your shoes.
Saka souffle?
“How did you guys get David Tennant, how did you know him again?”
“I worked with him on Ducktales” Sam Riegel. I just found that exchange funny for some reason.
It seems so insane that Larry would jump straight to “private jet” as a luxury *you can’t live without*.
My mind would go to things like “the internet” or “air conditioning”. Things that would actually make my life more difficult if I didn’t have them.
lol, “the show the leads in to mine is Muppets making prank phone calls”
Luxury you can’t live without is an oxymoron.
I worked at a nice airport hotel (the hotel was nice, the airport… meh), and we would get families that stay before their early flights the next morning.
I was talking to the father of such a family and he says they’re going to Turks and Caicos. I say something like, “oh, wow! You must be so excited!” It was a fucked up winter and being on a warm beach spoke to me.
He says, “yeeeeaaah, it will be. It will. But getting everything figured out, ya know, the flights, the driver, work stuff, but even the little stuff – like, who’s gonna feed the horse?” He said it like I’d been in the same situation before.
I’ve always wondered what someone at that celebrity tier earns. Just the mid-tier, ensemble cast television actor, on a fairly popular network or cable show. What’s their life like? It’s not like they’re the Rock or Robert Downey Jr pulling down tens of millions of dollars per project. But what does a season of *Ducktales* or *NCIS* or *Ozark* pay?
Six seasons and a movie!!
Interviewer: *thank you for this interview Larry, so can you tell me about the 3 first things you do in the morning?
Larry: *Sure Suuure… So the first thing I do is taking a huge dump. I mean a really big shit*
Interviewer: * … We can’t really write that in the article. Isn’t there something else you can say?*
Larry: *of course!… Well.. then I piss. Ohh how it just flow like Niagara falls*
Interviewer: *we can’t really write that either…. Can’t you tell us anything else you do in the morning?*
Larry: *well alright … I guess after that, that’s when I wake up*
Is that Abed
I’m non native, please explaine humor here? (I know what is DuckTales and checked it’s meaning on UrbanDictionary but still can’t get it)
This has the same energy as Alan Tudyk clucking like a chicken for Moana then going “…I went to Juliard.”