ksp2 will be entering early access after approximately 4.5 years in development
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ksp2 will be entering early access after approximately 4.5 years in development
View Reddit by doge_gobrrt – View Source
heres a link to the official announcement with a roadmap: [https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/210187-kerbal-space-program-2-release-into-early-access-feb-24th/](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/210187-kerbal-space-program-2-release-into-early-access-feb-24th/)
and a yt vid with game play footage and a dev interview: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAL3XaP-LyE&t=22s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAL3XaP-LyE&t=22s)
Reasonable, considering that’s approximately how much time I’ll spend in it.
I hope it doesn’t suck. Take 2 really screwed them over.
Math simulator
Early access nowadays means longer and longer periods of time. I kinda expected KSP 2 to be in far readier state than what people will get on EA.
I’m same opinion some other people express, mainly skepticism because of the Unity engine. They could “fix” it the same way KSP 1 did on high level time acceleration: making objects glued together, but that might backfire with fans complaining it became more arcade.
How is this Early Access supposedly going to cost full price (49.99 USD)? Damn.
Good timing! The James Webb space telescope is in place, the DART thing happened, hopefully there’s nothing important going on that this will distract people away from.
is KSP still spyware? I loved the game but wanted nothing to do with the company after they did the update to their terms and services
In before the backlash to that character from people whove never once installed the original game
There was a time I really wanted to see KSP2, now it’s more like… Meh.
Average waiting time for GTA 6.
Still a day 1 buy for me, but I’m tremendously disappointed.
All of my KSP2 hype was based on being able to play it with friends, and this seems to be the last feature on the roadmap. How can multiplayer even work if it wasn’t designed and planned from the beginning?
The game was initially scheduled to launch in 2022 and they won’t even have the science gathering and tech tree worked out in Feb 2023? Fuck that’s slow.
Wow, pay $50 for a slightly updated game without any of the major features we’ve been looking forward to for years. Guess I still have a couple years of waiting before I get the game
I’m not a fan of EA. I hope Sons of the Forest doesn’t do this shit too.
I remember playing ksp with my uncle. He very good at it
fuck really its been 4.5 years?
remember when they announced the original was coming to Wii U and it never did
50$ early access without interstellar travel and without base building – 2 of the biggest feature they showed on their 2019 trailer
Hard pass when I can just buy another complete game for the same price