Kim Jong Un casting his ballot at the latest North Korean legislative elections
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Kim Jong Un casting his ballot at the latest North Korean legislative elections
View Reddit by ScaleneTryangle – View Source
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Wonder if he checked the one and only option or not.
Polls have been bad for him lately. He is expected to only get 127% of the votes. His father in contrast was enjoying 165% of voter turnout out during elections. Maybe NoKor people is starting to dislike their leader.
Thinking in if he will got to erase someone else this elections in order the ballots are being count correctly.
*drops in first ballot*
*box immediately emptied and votes are counted*
Why does he bother running fake elections?
Jokes aside, his sister — who it should be noted is considered to be more of an authoritarian than Kim Jong Un — is expected to take over as North Korea’s leader at some point in the future.
Sweet duster bro
This is like Ron Swanson giving a handwritten note “I can do what I want” as permission for slaughtering a pig in Parks and Rec
That new jacket would go great with an eye patch and a fluffy white cat, like an Austin Powers villain.
I wonder who he voted for
How much do clothes cost in the matrix KJU?
“Ankh-Morpork had dallied with many forms of government and had ended up with that form of democracy known as One Man, One Vote. The Patrician was the Man; he had the Vote.”
Living Green or Death RED
Is the best way to put this that he’s “casting his ballot,” or that he’s “casting” his “ballot”?
Man, he is really loving that leather trench. He must’ve gotten a lot of compliments and is just feeling himself.
One for Un, two for Un
I wonder if he’s friends with the Nvidia guy, they both seem to like leather
Asian Silvio Dante
The ballot options**:**
-Kim, the all glorious leader
-Death by hanging
I wonder who he voted for…
Does the red box mean your dead?
Kim Jong playing in Matrix 7.
**If you ever feel useless, remember, North Korea holds elections. **
*please mark the ballot with an X next to the candidate you wish to vote for in this free, fair and democratic election.*
Me: [X]
The only ballot cast in the whole election
“And shockingly, our glorious leader won the vote in an absolute *landslide* victory of 1/0, scoring exactly 100% of the votes cast! What a strong, intelligent, godlike man.”
Green box means you get to live red box means you and your family are executed
This is what you get when ordering Elvis from Wish.
His Vote counts as whatever the population count is +1
He’s going for the Elvis 1968 look.
Just when I thought I was out…they pull me back in.
*looks at coat* “Are we the baddies?”
He is voting for the Supremest Leader, Jim Kong Un
“Between two Bonsai” is not nearly as funny as Zach Galifianakis’s original version
So nice to see that they are having fair and open elections now. /s
With 1 vote Kim jong un has won it for the fifth time in a row.
Let me guess: it’s the only ballot cast.