I’m a tiny bit impressed that he cited his reference about Egyptian poop eating (deduction for non-APA style usage). Technically, a first-ever citation on a bumper sticker.
Just a reminder that the owner of that truck never misses a vote. President, Congress, local school board— doesn’t matter, that guy’s voice is getting heard.
The mental gymnastics these people have to do amazes me…. just say you’re afraid that you might be gay. Stop standing behind “God” as an excuse.
If I had a dollar for every senator / congressman / priest that was against Gay marriage that was caught with a same sex prostitute I’d be able to retire and live off the interest alone
I’m trying to figure out how these two facts relate. I guess they both involve the ass, sort of, but beyond that? It’s such a superficial connection for event separated by thousands of years and thousands of miles.
These people seem to really hate people having freedom to do what they want don’t they, and yet they tend to be the ones screaming about how America is so free. Ironic or just dumb?
What’s even mind blowing to me that anal sex was ever illegal? I’m not researching it… but if that’s true just what? I’ll stick whatever I want up my ass and the government shouldn’t be concerned about it. That’s fucking nuts.
I really hate that the American Flag flown on a vehicle today is usually a clear indication that the driver is a crazy fuck head and not a symbol pride or patriotism.
It was illegal…?
Does that mean anal sex can heal a penis?
There’s a sub for cars like this. I think it’s something like r/infowarscars
Those nutters are so obsessed with others sex lives.
Why is anal in quotes??
What a weird hill to die on…
I’m a tiny bit impressed that he cited his reference about Egyptian poop eating (deduction for non-APA style usage). Technically, a first-ever citation on a bumper sticker.
Yes, this screams “Mentally Stable” to all other drivers and pedestrians.
What’s with the quotes around “Anal”?
What does he think it’s *actually* called?
Honestly “Now USA legalized “ANAL” sex. Woah!” Is a fantastic slogan.
I’d also like to add that the the fact the “anal” is in quotes is top tier boomer shit.
Do pick up trucks make you an asshole or do over opinionated assholes only buy pick up trucks?
Why is the word anal in quotes?
Just a reminder that the owner of that truck never misses a vote. President, Congress, local school board— doesn’t matter, that guy’s voice is getting heard.
You should vote.
The mental gymnastics these people have to do amazes me…. just say you’re afraid that you might be gay. Stop standing behind “God” as an excuse.
If I had a dollar for every senator / congressman / priest that was against Gay marriage that was caught with a same sex prostitute I’d be able to retire and live off the interest alone
I’m trying to figure out how these two facts relate. I guess they both involve the ass, sort of, but beyond that? It’s such a superficial connection for event separated by thousands of years and thousands of miles.
Fuck me in the ass if you love Jesus….
God is judge
I’m still just lost on the connection they’re making… how do the two things have anything to do with each other?
I swear trucks leak exhaust through the air vents or something.
No God fearing man can stick his penis in his wife’s ass okay… that’s the kinda thing you do with your mistress
What the hell do the ancient Egyptians and anal sex in the US have to do with one another? I don’t understand. AMERICA EXPLAIN!
Religious folks are obsessed with what people do with their junk.
Just wait till he hears that modern science recommends human crap as medicine.
Was anal sex illegal all this time? I’ve been breaking the law for SO LONG?
Anal was illegal?
It seems like the psychiatric community needs to come up With a new medical category for this kind of thing :
angry sign pickup truck nut job syndrome
Of something along those lines
How do you say “I’m a total moron” without saying I’m a total moron?
Someone change that “whoa!” to “whoo-hoo!”
These people seem to really hate people having freedom to do what they want don’t they, and yet they tend to be the ones screaming about how America is so free. Ironic or just dumb?
Great now I want KFC and anal
They hate us cause they anus
It’s sad to see someone flying an American flag is a statistically higher indication that they’re a moron, racist, or both.
“Sir, this is a KFC…”
What a stable genius.
Someone, somewhere feels personally attacked by this being in r/funny
Oh and you don’t think a little rat poop in your Chef Boyardee meatball speghettz counts as eating poop?
Nothing is stupider than a religious zealot
What’s even mind blowing to me that anal sex was ever illegal? I’m not researching it… but if that’s true just what? I’ll stick whatever I want up my ass and the government shouldn’t be concerned about it. That’s fucking nuts.
I don’t know about everyone else, but I really appreciated that he cited his sources from National Geographic for the Egyptians fact.
I really hate that the American Flag flown on a vehicle today is usually a clear indication that the driver is a crazy fuck head and not a symbol pride or patriotism.
You can always tell how crazy someone is by how wild their comparisons are.
“George Washington’s teeth were wooden so all libs are commies!”