Thursday, February 13All That Matters

Kermode tears apart Jared Leto’s Morbius in his final episode on BBC5


  • Saw it last night in the UK (31st March).
    It’s one of the worst films I’ve have seen.

    It starts well & Leto does his best with the script which feels like Sony asked 10 people to write a script and they then tried their best to link the best bits from each script but failed to cohesively do it as it seemed all over the place.

    I had no feeling for any of the characters (even Leto). The CGI whilst good (nothing ground breaking) did nothing to help the story as the actions scenes were just a constant blur of CGI.
    The CGI face replacement was a bit iffy.

    Sony seem to have dropped the ball again with another license and can’t do anything right without the help of Marvel Studios.

  • Definitely one of the worst movies I’ve seen in my life. It makes me question who saw this movie before hand and said: “Oh people are going to love this!”

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