Kate Beckinsale, 48 years old.
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Kate Beckinsale, 48 years old.
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I still can’t believe Pete was tapping this
She does not even sem real
She would be the perfect Aunt May in spider man 4
I am attracted to her sexually
Pete Davidson has been between those lgs.
She doesn’t look at day over 45
I’m just saying, there’s probably going to be a vacancy in the Hope/Wasp role in the MCU soon…
Hotter than a 2 dollar pistol.
She also has a literal army of people scurrying around, nannying her kids, pushing her to her limits in a space age gym, feeding her the best food in the world, and literally anything else she wants, whenever she wants it.
The rest of us can’t even do self care, much less have someone, ANYONE, care for us like that.

I think I remember reading that she is very into her health and diet; that she was compared to Tom Brady for the zealous nature to her diet.
… and it shows.
I’m a female but ✊💦
This is where my unrealistic beauty standards come from.
surgeries + botox + photoshop + something that gave Elon musk his hair back
Ah yes. The actress on Total Recall that I would have to open doors for as she walked to her trailer because she wouldn’t look up from her phone.
Why does her face look like a drawing? I’m not doubting her attractiveness, just……I guess asking if we’re sure this isn’t a drawing?
This is a 48 year old photoshopped Kate
I hope I look like that at 48
I would co-sign a loan for her.
I mean she’s hot but this isn’t an “as is” photo
Her movie Jolt was awesome
Someone get her some water. She thirsty.
I saw Serendipity starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale as a teen and ever since then I thought it was a good movie until years ago I watched it again and realized it’s not a good movie I was just understandably in love with Kate Beckinsale
Amazing what photoshop, personal chef, personal trainer, dietician and an army of assistants can do! brave….BRAVE!!
Stop believing these fucking lies and unrealistic body images. This is one of the reasoned why teens and preteens are fucking killing themselves
Would smash the like button!
This means I have about 10 years to get in shape.
This is also heavily edited.
i would so let her put a piece of chocolate candy between my buttcheeks.
And she let pete davidson all up in that with his beatlejuice looking ass.
Can’t help but think she would have been the perfect Yenifer in the Witcher Series.
Immortal Vampire. Lots of sunscreen.
. . .photoshopped.
The most significant thing to look better when older is to not have much body fat as you can see in this image. It’s far from everything but it goes along way. Look at /r/progresspics and you can see the huge difference it makes. Sort by Top and month or longer
Yep. Money has the capacity to keep you young.
I’ll be in my bunk
Reddit is obsessed with posting pictures of models and actors at later ages. The implication is that you can all look good at that age. This is no better than Photoshopping images.
I lived in LA for a long time and I learned that people (like Kate Beckinsale) who depend 100% on their looks for their careers spend pretty much their entire day tending to their looks via top-notch healthcare, exercise, grooming, make up, cosmetic surgery, daily yoga, botox clinics…you name it. I knew actors in LA that went to the gym TWICE a day! I knew models who went to gym classes THREE times a day! It was their life.
Most people have no clue the amount of daily regular work, effort, money, and teams of people it takes to keep looking good past children, daily jobs, bills, and general neglect.
If redditors think of themselves enlightened enough to criticize Instagram for its fakery, then you should stop posting hot pussy images with captions like “Such and Such Actress, 52 years old” and shit.
Could we stop with pictures of actresses of 40 yrs old and + in bikini ? What are we contemplating here ? Their surgeon/esthetician/fitness trainer/dietician work ?
Her instagram is a fucking treat. She’s such a cute human being both physically and her personality. She loves playing with her cat and dressing up in crazy outfits for normal around the house shenanigans.
She’s milf-ilitious
Kate Beckinsale in Tehran before the Iranian Revolution.
Why do we care?
This woman and Hallie Barry were 100% my bisexual awakening. Selene and Catwoman… I would Simp so hard for her.