Monday, February 24All That Matters

Just Got My BRAND NEW game from GameStop!


  • From a former GameStop employee: This means you got the very last copy of the game, as whenever a new game is in one of those envelopes, that’s the game we used the case to put on display out on the shelves.

    Normally we’re supposed to place the disk/cartridge back into the case, but apparently someone got lazy and just put the whole envelope in the case.

    Edit: I don’t know why people keep spamming RedditCare at me, or the Death Threats, I’m just telling you guys what I did as a former employee.

  • They STILL do this? Fuck man, I remember noping out of buying new games from them because they did this shit in the PS2/Xbox/GC era. I do remember getting wrapped DC games there but that might’ve been the last time.

  • Edit- I apparently need to explain what “over the years means”.
    Since the early 2000s this franchise has been a shit show and had multiple restructuring happen often to the point where everyone in the company was sure their jobs were in jeopardy because of how shitty the company overall was doing and run by corp.. It’s changed hands how many times in the since 89? How about when they invested heavily in cellphones only to nearly lose their asses?
    I could write pages on their many fuck ups over the last 20 years but instead maybe go read the wiki? Yes currently the digital market has them over a barrel but theyve earned their decline long before you shills decided fortenite skins are better than actual content. -let the vile spew. 😁

    This is one of the reasons game stop has taken hits over the years. Dishonesty. I bet if they just gave last customer 5 0r 10% off we wouldn’t care. But they have to give you the straight up middle finger. It carries over into their other business practices. If they had better customer service and learned who to cater to they might do better. And jeezus…. don’t treat your stick like kickballs. That’s why they end up with stuff that could normally be sold that sits on the shelf. See also best buy and their idiocy with using theft prevention devices on special editions of games and films.

  • Worked at game stop, guys took home games and brought them back as “new and sealed” all the time by putting a tiny piece of tape over the case opening.

    If it’s not shrinked, it’s not new.

  • Several of my “new” games have been that way and I really hate it. If it’s open, it’s used. End of story. You cannot guarantee me that it’s not used. New is shrink wrapped and good to go. Used is when the shrink wrap is removed. Even if it’s just put in a paper sleeve in the back, it’s used.

    It’s why I never buy new at Gamestop anymore. If I want new, I’ll shop elsewhere (and usually get a better deal anyway).

    Could it be new? Sure. But, once that shrink wrap is off, I take it as used. And I’ve had people really lay into me about that before, but that’s how it works for me. It’s different for everyone. It still works the same, it still does exactly the same thing, etc.. But, it’s still used in the model they’re using, IMO.

  • GameStop employee here, this just means you got there very last copy the store had. Whenever we get a game that isn’t out on the floor we take the cartridge out and file it behind the counter, and when we’re out of the games besides the last one you get that copy. Still a brand new game, but usually we’re supposed put the game in the holder not just give you the envelope, laziness on their part.

  • This happened to me a few months. Dude kept trying to argue me in the store that it was new. There was a sticker holding the case together with a game inside it. Last time I would ever shop at a gamestop. Ended up heading over to target and buying it there sealed. Fuck the Burbank/empire center spot.

  • Something really off-putting about selling someone a “new” ANYTHING that comes in an already-opened package.

    “Here’s your new kitchenaid mixer! Brand new, we *PROMISE*! Just ignore all the pieces kinda loosely tossed back in there and the coating of dust.”

  • I don’t work at GameStop, but can attest I’ve seen them in store grab the disk from the locked chest to populate the case. They said it’s for security, which makes sense. One time, I think it was for Stick of Truth, I was kinda looking forward to that new 360 game smell and asked if they had any sealed copies and the guy obliged and grabbed one from the crate he was unboxing. I assume that isn’t always an option, though.

  • open a support ticket. they will fix it online. i ordered a few games during this sale, so far 2 for 2 on them not only being opened but being slapped with stickers. every once in a while they do something right.

  • Sadly, 1 copy of every game needs to be “gut” and placed on the wall. Sometimes, people are either idiots or assholes and steal the cases either because they also have the game but no case or they think the game is IN the case.

    So when a big sale like the current 50-75% off on a lot of new games is going, this happens a lot. So the order comes in, the game is in the drawer, but the case is missing. So, since the game is still paid for, management (i.e. DMs) would tell us to send it with a generic or preowned case. If it’s the very last copy that store has, then you get a generic case with game inside like this.

    In your case, the employee was super lazy because they should’ve at least put the cartridge in the slot in the case. But this is also why you buy new games but they’re no longer sealed because 1 copy of a game is gut.

    I bought 10 games for $106 during this sale. As a former employee, I expect 3 of them to be generic cases, 6 of them to be gut copies, and 2 to still be sealed based on what games they are and the quantities I think they have. Lol I’ll find out when they all arrive tomorrow.

  • I remember this being how they kept the last copy of the game, but have never seen it happen for what I’m assuming is an online order. When it happens in-store they’re supposed to tell you this fact and you decide whether you still want it or not.

  • I just got a copy of Splatoon 2 in the mail with the exact same generic case and sleeve. Also a copy of Tiny Tina’s that looked like the disc was used as a coaster. Both brand new. How is this shit legal?

  • They tried to pull this shit on me once.

    Went in for a new game, they took the case off the shelf then pulled out a used copy from the drawer and I said “I wanted new”.

    “This is new”

    “And you’re going to charge me full price?”

    “Well yeah,it’s new”

    “But it’s open…”

    “Yeah, but no one played it”

    I just walked out and went to best buy instead as I was buying it as a gift.

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