I got more bins of older stuff if y’all are interested in seeing those.
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I got more bins of older stuff if y’all are interested in seeing those.
View Reddit by Electronic-Clock5867 – View Source
Ace Combat 6 is my favourite game!
I played the shit out of Fight Night Round 3.
How was Round 4?
You found a jackpot. Nice one!
Old assassins creed games are so good
Which one of em was your most favourite?
Golden Sun and Left4Dead = Winning
Someone just got a new girlfriend
I spy an old Target clearance sticker on that copy of Rainbow Six Vegas.
Is that copy of Shadowrun an old rental? That case looks different
Is that an old mix tape?
UT box so pretty
Golden Age Memories
No one else has said it, but I certainly appreciate the Etherlords copy. Finally got them on Steam after someone in the last year reminded me of the name of the game
I’d say I’m interested in seeing the old bins, but I’ve got enough of my own shit to sort out
And an old drumstick
How can you find something that was specifically stored in your house and belong to you?
OG MW2 and Rainbow Six Vegas, you have great tastes.
OMG Bad Company! That’s what’s up