I loved the walking around and taking in the atmosphere but it has a lot of fat I wish was trimmed. Vehicles are kinda unnecessary and detract from the game imo, the online aspects kinda ruins the vibe that you’re just wandering on your own through the world, if these were changed I might have liked it a lot more. Even still its a great game and I definitely should go back and finish it at some point
Props to anything where the artist can be weird
The atmosphere was pretty chill, i enjoyed it even if you are just walking around.
I really need to finish this game
Keep on keeping on porter!
Got it in May, downloaded it, have yet to launch it… I ought to change that
I loved the walking around and taking in the atmosphere but it has a lot of fat I wish was trimmed. Vehicles are kinda unnecessary and detract from the game imo, the online aspects kinda ruins the vibe that you’re just wandering on your own through the world, if these were changed I might have liked it a lot more. Even still its a great game and I definitely should go back and finish it at some point
It’s just too much of the same. I can only traverse terrain for so long
Just gotta deliver one more package
Can’t say I was a fan of this walking simulator
Where was the sequel at the VGAs?
The hate for this game is crazy! One of the best games I’ve played in years
Love it. Such an odd, well told story. The music and atmosphere are great too. Introduced me to Low Roar and I’m thankful for that.
Such a good game, platted this during Covid. Easily the most original game of the last decade imo and can’t wait for DS2
The air was beautiful chill, i delighted in it indeed in the event that you’re fair strolling around.
I really loved it, the problem is I have so little time to play nowadays, it is very relaxing to play.