One Hour Photo (trailer)_ Powerful movie if you’re looking for one that flew in under the radar.
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One Hour Photo (trailer)_ Powerful movie if you’re looking for one that flew in under the radar.
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Good movie. I liked it a lot
Did this fly under the radar? I remember it being talked about a lot back then
It may have been outperformed by Insomnia, the other Robin-Williams-is-a-terrifying-nut-job movie that came out the same year, but this did well.
I remember enjoying this movie, but for the life of me the only detail I can recall is Robin Williams referencing Evangelion lol
He was also in some movie where he dressed as a woman to take down james bond or something but I don’t think anyone saw that one either
Williams creepy phase.
The new generation would be like WTF is a 1 hour photo.
And what do you mean someone else would look at my photos?
Such a damn good movie, I constantly tell people to watch it just so they can be slightly terrified by Robin Williams for a change.
A wonderful, dark film. One of my favorites.
I saw it in theaters and recall the hype of him doing a drama.
Mom wouldn’t let me watch this as a kid. Now I know why.
What Dreams May Come is another Robin Williams one that is under the radar.
The eulogy scene breaks me.
You want a fantastic, under appreciated Robin Williams film, watch [World’s Greatest Dad](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1213731-worlds_greatest_dad).
Phenomenal dark comedy along the lines of a Todd Solondz film, but more tame.
His nightmare scene seared into my memory forever. I think I was a little too young for this movie wheen I first saw it lol
Williams did several “dark” films in that period. One of which stars Al Pacino. Have you seen “Insomnia” ?
This movie is seriously amazing.
“Neon Genesis Evangelion”
-Robin Williams, *One Hour Photo*
Maybe not everyone saw it, but everyone was talking about it. The premise of getting photos developed in an hour (which was fast for the time) is possibly lost on modern audiences.
Wasn’t under the radar. It was a good movie.
The nightmare scene is still one of the most disturbing things I’ve seen in cinema. It really caught me off guard and lodged itself in my brain ever since I saw it.
Ah, Neon Genesis Evangelion.
I went into a Walmart later that day after I’d seen it. So db creepy.
You get to hear Robin Williams say “Neon Genesis Evangelion” and whistle, impressed.
great movie, watch it asap!
I totally thought Robin Williams was going to win Best Actor after this movie came out. He should have at least been nominated.
One of the creepiest movies I’ve ever seen. Absolutely loved it.
Robin Williams deserved an Academy Award mom for that role.
He was brilliant
This movie is incredible underrated
Everybody seems to really like this movie. It left me feeling very uncomfortable though, and I thought it was a little too weird for my tastes.
We saw this at the theater. At the time, we drove a Toyota Echo just like the one he drives in the movie. It was a unique car, year 2000, that looked electric at the time.
This movie was never under the radar. It was a big deal when it came out, was nominated for several awards etc.
So many young people always seem to say “unknown” movie just because they are not aware of it.
Every time I walk into a stark, grey, fluorescent-lit department store, I think of the imagery of this film.
Very well done. Of course, Robin was excellent.
If you like freaky fucked up Just Desserts type movies, Hard Candy is another great one but it’s a toughie lol
It was a great movie and but underrated too,to be honest .
The film was some fine work and it is an art and only a great artist can do this
The acting,story and direction was perfect down to every minute . Cheers to the movie .
He’s been gone for so long but I still find new movies of his I’ve never seen. Thanks for this!
This is one of my his favorites films . He was terrific in it .
He recently was in the movie of insomnia. He did a great job .
I am here wondering, why the hell it didn’t earned any award ?
Why mr.walliam was not nominated for this terrible performance?
Robin Willam is a versatile actor and able to give some great performances.
I knew Robin from his comedy and now from his creepy role .
He is really a good actor . He have done almost all type of movies .that’s why I love him .
I feel for those who got no friend and family . It’s sad .
This movie was disturbing and beautiful at the same time .
This movie was a wonderful piece of art and i hope everyone going to remember it for long time .
He did great but I didnt liked the film . It could have been better .