Joseph Goebbels just learned the photographer taking the picture is Jewish
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Joseph Goebbels just learned the photographer taking the picture is Jewish
View Reddit by Hussein_talal – View Source
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Someone gives me that look, I’m suddenly remembering i forgot to feed the cat
Pure evil incarnate.
I can lok at these again in another couple motnhs and still not care if its a repost.
Really captures his personality
[Eyes of Hate](https://petapixel.com/2013/03/31/eyes-of-hate-captured-in-portrait-of-nazi-politician-by-jewish-photographer/)
i wonder ppl actually live with this much prejudice
Hey I saw this on Quora once. There was also a picture of him before he knew the photographer was Jewish.
I cannot understand having that level of hate for a random stranger.
Coward suicide cause he didn’t want to pay for what he had done.
“Oy vay… wouldja smile for the camera already ya schmuck?!?”
Wow, Hugh Laurie is a shoe-in for the bio pic.
Yeah, smile for the birdy you murdering prick.
WTF was his problem anyway
Ooh scary like an expiring bloodline
For a second I thought he was handicapped.
Joseph Goebbels was part Jewish and had a club foot.
He didn’t live up to his own idiotic standards and should have turned himself in for execution before he went about exterminating others.
kind of a weird way to sit, looks uncomfortable
“Anti-Semitism is the godfather of racism and the gateway to tyranny and fascism and war, it is to be regarded not as the enemy of the Jewish people but as the common enemy of humanity and of civilisation itself.”
– Christopher Hitchens
Source for this claim??
I wanna kick him hard right in the face.
So this is the inspiration for Montgomery Burns.
Dude looks as evil as he was.
Why do Redditors love posting pictures of Nazis? I see more all the time, and this one has been posted multiple times.
Nah, he’s just annoyed at the amount of times this is posted.
That is one terrifying look. I would have died right on the spot, no shooting required. That photographer was badass, just continuing with the photos! I would have either dropped the camera and RUN, or my soul would have just stepped right out of my body at that moment. :::Shudder:::
People say he looks scary or menacing etc.
All I see is pathetic fear behind his eyes. He looks like he’s trying not to react with surprise, gripping the chair and grimacing, idk.
Some strong Stephen Miller vibes.
I hope that devil is being tortured in hell for all eternity POS
Smile asshole or I’ll tell everybody you’re part Jewish.
I swear the nazi idiology is the dumbest thing ever… lol
Friendly with the guy until he knows he’s a jew… what a moron lol
Tucker Carlson
And you’re POSITIVE it’s not Trump?
hey look it MTG/Desantis/Cruz…. rest of the trumpette lackies (trump not mentioned due to the fact his is more of a Hitler type)
He can Goebbels deez nuts.