Jonas Salk creates the first polio vaccine, 1955. Salk decided not to patent his polio vaccine so that it would be affordable for millions of people who couldn’t afford it. In an interview, Edward R. Murrow asked Salk who owned the patent to the polio vaccine.
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“Well, the people, I would say,” Salk responded. “There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?”
As a result of his actions, he lost out on an estimated 7 billion dollars but helped save millions of lives.
Vaccine was created in 53, tested in 54, mass vaccination began in 55.
I wish I knew how to photoshop 40s into his hands.
Banting and Best sold the patent for insulin to the University of Toronto for $1. Maybe the flaw is in patenting.
Pure jealousy on the face of that dude on the background
Wait you mean making money wasn’t his motivation to cure the world of a disease that disappeared from being common now only returned because people are fucking morons.
Oh no I’m shookth.

This dude’s work saved my grandfather’s life. He’s still around and I wouldn’t have known one of the kindest and most amazing people on the planet if not for this.
soon after injecting himself with the vaccine, Jonas Salk opened two large bottles of polio, and chugged them.
Never gamble on the good side of human nature, you will be disappointed often and hard. He trusted the industry to treat the gift as a gift, and pass it along… They did not.
This guy on the right. One in every lab.
The man wasn’t versed in 20th century capitalism, apparently. Someone who just genuinely wanted to change the world and didn’t expect people to leverage assets to obtain it.
Back when we believed in science and facts.
Oh, Estelle, did I happen to mention…. My Little Jonas, you know, who the boys never let play the ball games.. did I happen to mention… that heeee DISCOVERED THE CURE FOR POLIO?!? MY LITTLE JONAS! HES MINE, I LOVE HIM.
Salk of the Earth, that guy.
A true hero. *To work for the common good.*
And at this day and age we’re seeing a polio comeback because idiots refuse to get vaxxed. The stupidity is mind blowing.
I remember that before the vaccine, there was always trepidation in the air.
We waited in line at our school to get that sugar cube with the vaccine in it. My first cousin had polio as a child. He suffered his whole life.
Please vaccinate your children.
May he rest in peace.. very few like him these day, if any
The fuck is wrong with people, medicine is not business! This man is a legend
It’s a shame the world doesn’t have enough Jonas Salk… way to few who have the ability to do so, do it for the Good of Humanity rather than for wealth and riches..
May you Rest in Peace(RIP) Jonas Salk
Best and Banting did similar with insulin 100 years ago. It was pretty cheap… for a while.
Dude got my mom out of an iron lung. Fuckin hero.
No, I said get the BIG bottles!
Salk was following in the footsteps of Banting and Best, who discovered insulin at the University of Toronto in the 1920s. They sold their insulin patent to the University for $1 with the idea that the insulin would be produced without a need for profits. The university in turn worked with Connaught Labs to do exactly that, and for many years, Connaught Labs turned out insulin for Canada and parts of the British Commonwealth at cost.
Guy in the back was in it for the money.
we all know none of that would have been possible without Henrietta Lacks, whom deserves the most credit for the vaccine
Told my kids their whole lives that this guy is my all time hero.
Imagine being in the 20 century, a very brutal century and being a guy that wipes away that much shitty suffering. There is nothing better or more admirable. Dude is a stud and 100% my all time hero.
Everyone should know about Salk.
But what he’s holding there is his first batch of good moonshine!
Asked him what?!
This man is a hero!!!!!