Wednesday, March 19All That Matters

Johnny Depp’s reaction to the court finally getting to hear the audio tape in which Amber Heard admits to abusing him


Johnny Depp’s reaction to the court finally getting to hear the audio tape in which Amber Heard admits to abusing him


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  • Amber Heard is a narcissistic sociopath and if she never saw another day of fame or even another dollar from her fame for the rest of her life it still wouldn’t be enough.

    I’m not even what I would call a “Johnny Depp Fan” but I despise abusers, and I’m tired of shitstain people like Amber Heard always getting away with being so fucking self centered and cruel, and just running the world in general.

    Hope she spends the rest of her life being a pariah and reflecting on how she and people like her continually make the world a worse place.

  • We all heard this recording like 2 years ago, I don’t know how she still has a career at this point. She’s literally on tape admitting to physical abuse, while also being verbally abusive and attempting to gaslight. So far she has gotten a pass on all of that. What the actual fuck?

    Also her “I’m about to cry” face through this whole thing is so fucking irritating.

    Edit: Or maybe it’s just bad face-work, either way I hate looking at it.

  • *I’m not punching you, I’m hitting you!* Sound a lot like downplaying a violent situation as an abuser would. And he left the situation and didn’t get abused more and she says *YOU’RE SUCH A BABY.* Wonder if MGM might put Ezra Miller in for a cameo in Aquaman to make it a hit?

  • If I remember right, the only reason we’re knowing about all of this is because she accused him of abuse, right?

    If she’d just let it be, he probably would’ve let it go, huh?

  • What’s infuriating is that many people will consider that Johnny Depp can’t stand up for himself while it’s just that he’s not a violent man, it’s not in him. And that’s totally fine. The problem is that he was with a violent woman whom took advantage of that situation.

    Edit: it’s been brought to my attention that, as always, not everything nor everyone is black and white and I may should have kept this comment for myself. I’ll leave it for the sake of the discussion’s continuity but I’ll take it as a reminder that I should not speak publicly about people I don’t really know that much, especially celebrities.

  • Hearing her telling him that he’s “such a baby” and to “grow the fu*k up,” directly after saying that she “wasn’t punching you, I was hitting you” is like a new form of comedy.

    She is a trash person 100%.

  • Man so much damage has been done to his career.

    Would have loved to see more and more of him in secrets of Dumbledore

    No disrespect to the actor who was cast for this but really..that role should have been depp

  • That’s pretty damming.

    “I did not punch you, I didn’t deck you, I fucking was hitting you. I didn’t know what the fuck motion of my actual hands was, but you’re fucking fine, I did not hurt you, I did not punch you I was hitting you.”

    There’s a term for hitting someone and incidentally, it’s the same as punching someone, abuse.

  • I know I’m reaching a little here but notice how when he says, “Don’t tell me what it feels like to be punched.” she doesn’t even bring up a time when she’s been hit by **anyone** much less him. The fact that she has no reasonable response makes it pretty clear that not only has he never hit her but also that she is ignorant to the physical and mental pain she’s causing.

  • Christ this made me very uncomfortable. This literally was a flashback in time for me with my last Ex. The tone of voice, the same phrasing, the way she repeated things and minimized things. Man I hope he heals after this.

  • I’m waiting for the part in the recording where she says something along the lines of:

    Do you really think anyone will believe you?

    The day I heard those lines was the day I wanted her whole world to come crashing down around her. We don’t report abuse….because of that very reason. The fact that she uses her small size and unassuming gender as a shield is because she is abusing the system just like she abuses her partners.

    Disgusting. Vile woman.

  • I’m kinda glad this has gone to the extent it had. I never bothered to read into the matter or watch any interviews from Johnny depp, so I assumed he was just another abusive mega star like the headlines had led me to believe. So not only was I wrong, it’s the exact opposite of what I had thought.

  • This gives me hope that one day i can get the courage to leave my abusive wife. I tried showing her some clips of this case to see if she would hear herself in amber but nope just was like “ wow shes such a bitch cant believe she would do stuff like that” ….yeah sure you cant

  • Great. Now let’s fucking normalize the fact that anyone, regardless of their gender, regardless of how nice they are on the outside, regardless of how much they appear to champion for others, can be abusers and toxic people in relationships.

  • “I’m not toxic and abusive! I just do highly uncomfortable things to you emotionally as well as physically because I feel a lack of respect and control!! It’s your fault I’m this way!!”

    Next up: Jada

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