Joe Root cops a blow to his groin while facing Mitchell Starc. Ashes 2021-2022.
Joe Root cops a blow to his groin while facing Mitchell Starc. Ashes 2021-2022. from sports
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Joe Root cops a blow to his groin while facing Mitchell Starc. Ashes 2021-2022.
Joe Root cops a blow to his groin while facing Mitchell Starc. Ashes 2021-2022. from sports
View Reddit by LostVillager1 – View Source
Right in the little wicket.
Edit: I’m american, and know nothing about cricket, or how it’s scored. Glad that the comment made someone’s day today.
Edit pt 2: thanks for the wholesome stranger.
Slammed his nuts into his guts.
Are knit sweater vests standard cricket attire?
_Every excruciating detail captured in HD perfection_
For added context, before today’s play Root was hit with a ball in the groin or abdomen Region while he wasn’t wearing protection. It was severe enough that he needed a scan and wasn’t on the field early on.
We don’t know for sure but it is likely that he was hit in roughly the same place here, which is perhaps why he is in so much pain (although obviously a cricket ball in that area will hurt in any case).
Right on the bean bag.
It was his subsequent running between the wickets that did it for me. Plus the commentary that accompanied it!
This game is interesting. Love the attire.
Nice cockblock!
1:36. “Yeah they’re about here right now.”
How soon before JomBoy post a breakdown of this video?
Clear BBW, umpires got to call that surely?
No hesitation, right down. Must have caught him clean
I go through a similar level of pain when I have to see / hear the cinch advert for the 1000000th time.
Like a young Hans Moleman
Joe Root may have become No Root.
That upward bounce.
The box doesnt help those ones
Could that be a leg bye?
And that folks is how billards was invented.
Let’s see that again
‘Take away the pain, leave the swelling.’
Sums up England in these Ashes so far pretty well
The bit afterwards where he was trying to stop the spidercam seeing his bollocks was pretty funny.
Actual footage of England fans waking up every morning and seeing how badly weve been playing
Alex Hales managed to het hit in the groin two deliveries in a row earlier this year [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EubjARgkwM0)
I love that there is nearly 6 minutes of this
I feel for Root man, he needs some help out there. And maybe a better bowling lineup to play with too lol. Man bowled 20 overs and had Robinson bowling spin.
I can’t wait for the jomboy breakdown
Every man in the vicinity let out a collective ooooof
Once saw an umpire get hit square in the balls from a sweep shot. Was not pretty. They tend not to wear cups and the ball coming off the bat is far faster than a bowl would be.
Things got even worse when he had to [run at full pace](https://mobile.twitter.com/7cricket/status/1472530294976638976?s=21) a few minutes later
So…is that a dot ball then?
Joe will not be Rooting anything for some time
In the immortal words of Jeremy Clarkson: “in the pluuuuums!”
Divided by different sports and nations, united by the pain of getting hit in the nuts
Is that scored Third Leg Before Wicket?
LBP – leg by penis
They mention the David Lloyd incident in this clip. It includes a high tech three dimensional animation of a rotating protector cup.
Do yourself a favor and watch it here: it’s hilarious.
I am just starting to slowly understand cricket. The “3-78” number means that there are three batsmen that are out, and 78 runs scored right?
That ball and subsequent impact have summed up England’s Ashes tour so far.
It’s all good and funny until this happens to you