Jodie Foster performs her song (Je t’attends depuis la nuit des temps) on French TV in 1978
Jodie Foster performs her song (Je t’attends depuis la nuit des temps) on French TV in 1978 from OldSchoolCool
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No mic?
It sounds more like The Sound of Silence.
She was 16.
Wow that’s terrible
yikes. Thats awful lol. The echo+delay isn’t even synced with the tempo.
> Foster learned French at the Lycée Français de Los Angeles, a prep school that she attended for twelve years. According to native speakers, her French is impeccable, and she even dubs herself in French translations of her movies
Here i was thinking oh did she grow up in France? nope, rich kid in LA
Watching this sucked all the joy of Christmas outta me
No sound for me working
Why does it sound like this?
Sounds like the lambs calling in the night
What do the crappy song words mean?
And she learned her French mostly at the French Academy in West L.A. on Overland.